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Britain was running as fast as his little legs could take him. He didn't want to be killed or sold which ever it would be.He ran and ran till he physically couldn't so he started to fly.He wasn't very good at flying but it was his last hope.suddenly with out warning, an arrow hit his wing joint making him fall.The last thing he saw before embracing darkness was the face of the hunter chasing him.

He woke up in a large cage in a grand room.He looked around to see a boy barely older but much taller than him staring.The boy had an odd glint in his eye that made Britain curl his wings towards himself in discomfort.The boy as if just realizing Britain was wake spoke in a curious but unnerving voice as he started the conversation that barely makes sense to Britain.
"Your just so beautiful~,you know.Whats your name?"
"...The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland..just call me Britain."
"How wonderful. I'm the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.Call me soviet or USSR.Your interesting,out of the books and observations I've made I've never seen anything like you.Can I examine you?"
"It wasn't a question."
The larger boy unlocked the cage was took Britain out no matter how much he struggled and started to prod and examine him.

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