. Starting Point .

33 3 15

Lmfao hiiiii I'm writing this one too, hope you can spot the difference in our writing styles

Five was always a number of logic. So, when they heard of Four's death, of course they assumed it was Two.

The eye witnesses, the circumstances, hell, even Two themselves didn't deny it!

But it was still strange.

People KNEW they were a murderer, and yet they didn't do a thing about it. Five planned to change that.


Bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored!!

Since people are avoiding me for whatever reason, I'm all alone in a meadow watching people do boring things.

That's until I spot someone, suuuuuuper far away, likee they looked like a dot, kinda.

But I'm bored, and dots are less boring than what I'm doing, so I walk over.

Oh, the dot is all alone. Also bored, maybe.

Once I get close enough for the dot to stop being a dot, I put on a biiig, friendly smile. They were sitting and reading a book.

"Hiiiiiiiiiii." I say, maintaining eye contact.

"Uh, can I.... Help you?" The no-longer-a-dot asked me, seeming generally disturbed by my presence. But I don't feel bad, it's not like I want them to be my friend, I don't care about this person.

I sit down and stare at them for a bit, attempting to get my point across.



Eventually I decide that's also boring, so I peek at their book.

Weeeeeird, it's a bunch of entries about a crime...

Actually, not weird. The killer evaded justice.

I hate murderers.

Justice is good. JUSTICE IS GOOD.

My smiley act gone, I point to a page. "Who's thaat?!"

"Somebody I USED TO know. It's so weird- They always seemed so... Nice? But they killed their own brother and girlfriend... AND NOBODY IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!?"

They seemed angry by that last part. I smile again.

"Well. Justice only starts when someone takes action, riiiight?"


I stare at the person in front of me, closing my book.

She was damn right, someone SHOULD do something.

"... Oh, you're right!" I say.

"Hm. About whaaaat? I'm not exactlyy listening." She draws out her words, extremely annoying. As she says that, she tilts her head, soulless smile not leaving her stupid face.

I internally facepalm. "About the justice thing. Somebody should do something, so," I stand up, full of determination all of a sudden. "I'll form a group, so murderers can be punished."

She, on the other hand, just keeps staring at me.

Until her grin grows wider.

"Amaaaaaziiing. Death PACT sucks at their job, soo we can do muuch better!" She hums.

I never mentioned she could be part-

"My name is Angelgotchi, bye." And then she nonchalantly walked away.

I already hate her, and we haven't even started working.

This operation is gonna be so rough.

--Oddly--Angelic-- 's note:

Hiiiiiiiiiii, the road to hell really IS paved with good intentions, huh?

multifamdomenjoyer PLEASE WRITE THE NEXT PART AAAA ♡

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