who was that

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Seokmin gulped as he stood like a deer caught in red light. The Alpha state was hard as he Just sat there with his arms crossed and in first of
Seokmin on his bed

Care to explain? Alpha said and drummed his fingers on the side table impatiently. "Come on

Seokmin do they to tell me
Where were you?
Alpha asked. His tone was state. Seokmin did not say anything and Just stood up There .

Alpha sighed and stood up
" Perhaps, I should ( tell) asked or tell
Grandpa whooshik that why you along with your little squad sneaked
Out into the night again and also kidnapped.

Alpha said his hanging down from his lips and seokmin gasped and looked at alpha with wide open eyes .

Wh. What ? Ho.. how do you seokmin was unable to pronounce anymore.

"So I was right you guys did kidnap
Someone out there huh? Alpha said as seokmin did not dare to say anything.
He heard alpha sight again were you out of your mind seokmin?

What were you thinking?

Do you have even an idea whom you kidnapped? Alpha roared and a little
Whimper escaped from seokmin lips.

" First of all you are most sensible among them instead of stopping then .

You went out with them and participate in their plane?

Alpha said again and took big strides towards the shivering omega
Who hunched down his shoulders

Sh. Shua ? Seokmin said with a trembling voice.

" Shut up! Do you have even an idea that you guys come after

Touchy the deaths ? Not any other fun but kidnapping someone? At this how?

You guys were fool enough to kidnap a strange ? What if he didn't let you go?
What would have happened then?

Do you know who was him ? Alpha named shua growled.

A sob leaving seokmin lips brought Joshua out of his stance as he closed his eyes and released a few breathes trying to calm his ragged heartbeat seokmin " this time the tone was soft
I Did not
Means to yell or scare you .. but what you guys did out there could cost you your life.
You know that ? Joshua said.
Seokmin wiped his tear roughly and nooded his head weakly.

Joshua sighed again and pulled seokmin in a hug . Softly kissing his head several times.

" I will ask your other cousins as well.
They need a little scolding too. But mine . My moon you should not have done that .. at least.. stayed back ?

Joshua asked

Seokmin softly say I am sorry.. I to..told them to stop.. They didn't li.. Listen seokmin ket out btw his sob

Jishua nodded his head and sat back on the bed with seokmin in his lap

" Are you hurt anywhere? Did they touch you? Joshua's asked softly touching and wiping seokmin tears off his face

Sekmin shook his headv" Let's change and sleep hmm?

Joshua suggested.

Will you tell grandpa about it? " Seokmin asked timidly.

Do I need to? Joshua asked instead. Seokmin immediately shook his head

" Ok I will not tell grandpa about it but will not let slide with other as well, Joshua said finality in his cold calm tone.

Seokmin nodded once again.

"Do you know that alpha? He asked joshua frowned "who? He asked" The one we kidnapped? You talk like you know him. You said he was dangerous.. Wait seokmin stopped in his sentence and looked at Joshua with frown
How did you come to know our plan?
How fud you know that we kidnapped a dangerous alpha?
Seokmin asked with tilted head. Joshua just kept staring at his fiance. He cleared his throat and simply stood up
"Do not worry your head with dumb question you probably are tired just rest right now just sleep

Joshua said and carried seokmin to bed,
Seokmin stayed sleint but he knew something was wrong.

How did his future alpha come to know about it all?

Unless... He was there

an dangerous alpha حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن