The second he approached her, he felt like he was going to crap himself with how nervous he was to apologise to her, but she'd already looked up at him and he had to go through with it or look like an even bigger ass than he was already feeling. It didn't help that he was only wearing a pair of board shorts, which really showed off his own ass that he was constantly getting shit from the guys about. He knew he had a huge ass and his shorts were definitely not helping to hide it.

"Hey Sid." She smiled. "Everything alright?"

"Can I talk to you?" He rubbed the back of his neck and she nodded, an evident frown on her face behind her shades.

"Uh, sure." She put her drink down and moved her legs as if she was inviting him to sit down. He seemed to hesitate when she nodded to the empty space on her sun lounger but he stayed standing.

"Like in private?" He glanced to Hailey for a second who was prepping for tomorrow's game, it didn't even seem like she had acknowledged he was even there until he saw she had AirPods in.

"Oh." She tilted her head. "Um, yeah. Gimme a sec." He stepped back to allow her to stand up and followed her as she pointed towards the water for them to walk. "Everything ok?"

"I hope so." He folded his arms as they walked and he could tell she was being a little stand off-ish with him which is exactly how he didn't want her to act with him.

"Well that doesn't sound good." She adjusted her shades and put her hands on her hips, immediately stopping in her tracks whilst he kept walking for a moment. He spun a 180 to face her before dropping his arms, mirroring her stance by putting his hands on his own hips.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were ok and that I hadn't offended you when I saw you out that night." His mouth twisted to the side for a second, he was dreading her telling him to fuck off and calling him a creep.

"Offend me?" Aly looked super confused for a moment until it registered what he was referring to and she smirked. "Oh. That."

"Yeah." He winced as he brought a hand to the back of his neck to rub it again. "That. I'm so sorry, I was really drunk and I wasn't in the best head space."

"It's cool. No harm done." She laughed. "I figured it was dare from the guys since they kept looking over at us and you were trying too hard to keep the conversation going." She shook her head whilst he gave her a blank stare, which she didn't pick up on due to his shades. "Quite a ballsy move on your part, Sid. I didn't think you'd stoop to their level."

"Are you mad at me?"

"No." She shook her head. "I was mad at the situation. You were probably too drunk to notice, but I was so pissed off that you guys turned up to begin with. I was expecting a girls night and ended up looking after all you idiots instead. I put six of you in cabs. Yourself included."

"Did you really?" That had shocked him because he had no memory of that at all. "Wow. I'm sorry." Both hands were back on his hips. "I wanted to apologise, regardless. I shouldn't have done that, it was unprofessional at best and I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted." She smiled and held her hand out for him to shake, which he found very amusing but he shook it nonetheless, a cheeky grin creeping over his face.

"Can I still have a hug before tomorrows game?"

"You and this fucking hug obsession!" She laughed as she let go of his hand. "I mean, if it will make you feel better, sure. I'll throw myself at you for a hug before you get into your gear." He knew she'd spawned an eye roll, it made him chuckle

"You will?"

"Sure. We'll see if my hug can get you a point." She nudged his hip with her own before she took off back to her sun lounger, he was so fucking relieved she didn't hate him and wasn't pissed off with him. However in the back of his mind, he was now annoyed with her for the way she just dropped the conversation and walked off because if there was any hint of attraction, he figured she would have at least loitered or allowed him to walk her back. Clearly she didn't have any feelings towards him but he wasn't too sure that was going to put him off but then again he wasn't sure if he was becoming interested or if he was just thinking about his drunk ass trying to take her home.

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