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Narrator POV

"What do you mean Earth is destroyed?!" Uzi asked (Y/N).

"It's a long story, one that I would like to tell you all but not here, let's go back inside the pod so I can tell it all at once, I don't want to tell it 5 times in like, a single day."

"Okay, let's go inside then." Uzi said, jumping down from the car wreck she was standing on and walking back to the corpse spire.

(Y/N) and N followed her back to the spire, (Y/N) still shielding N from the sun until they were back inside the spire.

(Y/N) folded his wings into his back again and followed N and Uzi into the pod that N, J and V had landed on the planet with.

V and J were still chained to their chairs with the metal chains, V looked annoyed and J in deep thought. They both looked up at N, Uzi and (Y/N) when they climbed down the ladder back into the pod.

"And where have you three been?" J asked in her usual bossy tone.

"We went outside for a little bit to have a small conversation." N answered, leaning against one of the walls of the pod.

"And apparently (Y/N) needs to tell us something." Uzi said, proceeding to stand next to N.

"Yes I do, but before that. Uzi, may I have your railgun please?" (Y/N) asked Uzi.

Uzi raised an eyebrow. "Why?" She asked.

"So I can be sure you don't immediatly blow my head of with it when I tell my story." (Y/N) answered.

"Oookay then." Uzi said hesitantly before handing (Y/N) the gun, who put it behind him on the console of the ship.

"Now, lets begin." (Y/N) said.

"As you all can see, I am not a normal Dissasembly drone, that is because I wasn't always a drone."

"Wait, what do you mean?" V asked, confused.

"I used to be a human."

"What?!" Uzi yelled, N and J's eyes widened in surprise and V's mouth fell open in shock.

"I know it might seem difficult to believe but it is the truth, I was turned into a drone by JcJenson to save my life."

"How would that even be possible?" N asked.

"I don't know the exact science behind it, all I know is that they used some weird machine to get my consciousness from my dying human body and put it in the drone body I am using now."

"But, why the body of a dissasembly drone of all things?" Uzi asked.

"Probably because we are way better then you stupid worker drones." J said.

"Bite me!" Uzi yelled at her.

"It's because I was about the same height when I was still a human then as I am now, they also modified this body to be more human-like, for example, my hands." (Y/N) held on of his hands up, showing that he had 5 fingers instead of 4.

"How did I not notice that earlier?" J asked herself.

"This is a lot to take in." N said. "But didn't you mention something earlier about Earth being destroyed?"

"Earth is destroyed?!" J and V yelled in unison, both looking at (Y/N) again.

"Sadly enough, it is, and it has been for a long while, 16,5 years to be precise." (Y/N) answered.

He changed his left hand into a hologram projector and began playing the events of the massacre and destruction of earth while telling his story.

He changed his left hand into a hologram projector and began playing the events of the massacre and destruction of earth while telling his story

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
The Humandrone (Male reader x Murder drones AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें