•2x The Torture..• (Yumeno/Q x Fem! Reader)(🪢A.&C.)

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Edited: No
Warnings: Non
Key Words:
(Y/n) = Your name

Requested by:

You'd snuck into Yumeno's room a while ago while it was still unlocked, it's something you would do at any moment you were given the chance, which wasn't often since he was mostly locked in his room because of his dangerous ability.

It was even rare for Mori to feed him on a daily basis because of what he says is because of his 'busy schedule', but you knew there was a different reason for it because you've seen him randomly going shopping with Elise at random parts of the day, which just shows how much of a 'busy schedule' he has.

And yet he locks Yumeno's door in the blink of an eye, punishes him in such gruesome ways when he accidentally does something wrong.


Yumeno doesn't seem to have completely shut down from all of this mental and physical abuse like every other kid here had done, even though he was one of the youngest to be taken into the Port Mafia.

Akutagawa had shut down and only ever showed emotion if it was about Dazai..

Kyouka had shut down only a few months from being taken in and had been taken in by the ADA only weeks ago, now out of the cycle of abuse that she'd been forced into..

Now you and Yumeno...

You both were basically forced to be away from each other with Yumeno locked away with only his room door separating you two, but that just seemed to do the exact opposite of what was supposed to happen, it didn't make you two drift away from each other, if anything, it just made the two of you want to keep your friendship a secret, which brought you closer due to all the plans you both had to make to sneak in and out of his room at any given moment.

Hiding under the bed, you wait for Yumeno to come back from where he now was, not that you knew what it was called, you forgot, but your ability would give you a good sight on what had happened once Yumeno gets back.

You'd gotten good at keeping your every movement as silent as a feather, and your height helped with making it easy to hide, so sneaking in and out of places were no problem for you and Mori never noticed your little duo sneaking around like little spies.

The sky outside had turned a royal dark blue, the small stars glittering upon the the darkness with only the moon shining through the window of the dark room, lighting up small pieces of the room, creating shadows from the furniture and grazing over everything in its line of light, ignoring your figure under the bed and going against the bed above you instead.

A few more minutes passed by as you wait, your eyes glued to the door, listening to each and every noise around you as you wait nervously for the door to open.

You're growing more and more tired the longer you wait for Yumeno's figure to appear in the doorway, yet you also dreaded the moment where Mori would appear with or without him in that same doorway, fearing that you'd be caught at any given moment, fearing the day Mori would catch on to what you were doing.

Sure, Mori was never really as hard on you as he was with Yumeno, but you were still horrified for the both of you.

You're suddenly snapped out of your sleepy state by the door finally opening, though the one who enters is non of the two who you'd expected, you could tell by the shoes and the outfit, it matched no one you knew exactly, but you had an idea of who it could be.

The person lies down what you guess is Yumeno on the bed, not noticing you under it as they let out a sigh, "That damned Dazai just has to be such an asshole at all times! What is it? His job?" you hear Chuuya's voice slowly disappearing as he walks out of the room again, closing the door as he continuously complains about his ex partner each moment he gets.

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