•An Intimate Fight• (Akutagawa x Fem! Reader)(🔥S.)

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Edited: No
Warnings: Swearing, ‼️Detailed sex scene (Just some small info, this is my first time writing smut, so it might not be the best!)‼️
Key Words:
(Y/n) = Your name

Requested by:

The streets are almost empty as the suns warm rays were replaced by the moons cold shine, the bright day taken over by the darkness of the night, the stars complimenting the dark blue sky.

Your high heeled steps clicking on the pavement as you walk through the dark streets in your disguise.

Fukuzawa had sent you on mission to protect someone at a party and you'd just been outside for a few small minutes, since you'd gotten dizzy from the heat inside the party room, your tight red dress hugging your every curve and making it quite uncomfortable with the extreme heat that was radiating in the large room.

Reaching out your hand to the door handle, you stop in your tracks as your eyes glance over the figure of one of the Port Mafia member, one you despised just as much as Dazai's flirting, one who's whole look could remind anyone of yang in yin and yang..

Akutagawa Ryūnosuke.

It seemed he had noticed you too, since his blank eyes were looking straight into yours as both of you were frozen on the spot.

You'd known a Port Mafia member was coming, hence as to why you were sent to protect the person that they were sent to kill, but you never actually knew who would be coming..

"Well if the leash fits the Hellhound." Your sarcastic voice rings into the cool night air, your hand withdrawing from the door handle and back to your side as your eyes glare daggers at Akutagawa, his blank eyes sending back the same glare.

He takes a step closer, his death glare never leaving your own, "What are you doing here, mistake?" His voice is filled with mockery, venom dripping from his words.

There's no answer to retrieve from his question, as the door to the party closes just as the last word leaves his lips.

His eye slightly twitches in annoyance as he too enters the the door to the party, slight scowling just knowing that you were also there, the anger coating his blank expression as he slightly adjusts the black sunglasses resting on the bridge of his nose that were protecting his eyes from the bright lights of the party.

The crowd of people blocked his sight as he looks around for his target, his eyes glancing over every person in the large room just to try and spot them, but when he does, his eyes fill with annoyance as he spots your figure right beside his target.

A frustrated sigh escapes his lips with a small cough as he covers his mouth, looking away from only a second before looking back up, only to see both his target and you gone from where you were before.

He grits his teeth with a scowl as he starts to walk through the crowd of people, the loud music and yelling of people making it difficult to find his target by hearing, so he'd have to look around for now, hoping he'd only run into his target and not you.

He was already annoyed just by knowing your presence was here, too.

You're walking with the person your protecting to a more safe area now that you know that Akutagawa was there, your face showing calmness, yet your mind was angry and annoyed that it had to be Akutagawa that arrived and not another Port Mafia member, one that wasn't as annoying as him.

"It's safer to be in a really crowded area, than an isolated area, since it makes it harder for them to spot you through the many people and also makes it harder for them to do something without being noticed by at least a lot of people." you speak, leading them further into the crowd while you look around, keeping a sharp eye out for Akutagawa, planning something to try and trick him to believe the both of you were leaving.

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