Start from the beginning

"She fled with her ships.🎼

and her people,

her heart broken for those..."🎼

"Under the dragon's eye,

under the dragon's eye."🎼


She began to wonder if her father, ever liked her friendship with Rheanyra or he remained quiet because she's the King's daughter.

Both of them have been close for years, and the older they got, the more they seemed inseparable, despite how other girls were envious of their relationship, Alicent feels happy to be the princess's friend but with Geralt now in the picture, things are slowly falling apart and she hates it.

Yet it seems like Rheanyra is doing too much. Is it a crime to swoon over Geralt?

Two weeks ago, she said no girl is worthy of her brother. Like? Is Rheanyra even thinking because she spills words?

"For god's sake Geralt is an adult not a child. He can choose any girl he wants for crying out loud!" Alicent exclaims in her mind as Samwell song evaded her thoughts.

"She fled with her ships.🎼

and her people,

her heart broken for those..."🎼

"Under the dragon's eye,

under the dragon's eye."🎼


Penelope was right to tell Rheanyra off, Alicent had to admit, Geralt is her brother not her lover, the princess needs to chill.

"Gods, Rheanyra can't keep on like this." Alicent mutters lowly to her self worriedly, whilst Samwell played on.

After the embarrassment in the courtyard, Alicent has decided to quit any irrational crushing on Geralt, but the more she sees him walking by with Legolas, the more the feelings grew.

Alicent sighs. "This is infatuation and nothing more." She assumes, taking deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling.

"It's just a feeling Ali, it'll pass and besides Geralt doesn't even pay you any attention. He doesn't gives a damn about you." She mutters to herself, looking at the wound in her finger, before she continues to read solemnly under the weirwood tree.

"She fled with her ships.🎼

and her people,

her heart broken for those..."🎼

"Under the dragon's eye,

under the dra........."

"Princess Rheanyra." Samwell stood up and bows lowly to the Targaryen girl.

Alicent raised her head, surprised to see her too, but she doesn't show it, she just continues read, taking a bite from her apple.

"She fled with her ships.🎼

and her people,

her heart broken for those..."🎼

"You may leave the Godswood at once Samwell." Rheanyra dismiss Samwell.

The bard immediately stood up and curtly bows.


"My Lady." He turns to Alicent curtly.

"Thank you for the song Samwell, Seven blessings to you." Alicent half smiles watching him go, then frowns, looking down at the book, flipping through the next page while taking a bite of her apple.

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