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Author: ( y/n went to her table and started doing her work so that it can complete ,in work she forgetted to eat lunch only doing her work full day without moving she did and evening she went home and then there also she did files only ,she ate dinner but some and did her work till 3 morning then slept like that only and when she woke up she saw it was already 8 morning she was shock she runs to Washroom and gets ready and runs out of House taking her stuffs without eating ,she reached there and went inside fastly went to jungkook cabin and knocks there he said come in then she goes inside and bows at him saying good morning )

Jungkook look ⬇️

Jungkook look ⬇️

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Jungkook: good morning you are 20 minutes late and you know in 5 minutes we are having meeting if more 5 minutes you were late then biggest deal was cancelled ( said coldly and in angry voice )

Y/n: i am sorry ( said while head low )

Jungkook: come fast to meeting room with the files ( said coldly and went )

Y/n: y,,,ye without listening my reply he went ,how rude he is ( angry face )

Author:( she went to meeting room and soon clients came and meeting started ,after one hour meeting completed and the client was very happy because the plan was brilliant he liked it tooo much )

Client: what a brilliant idea ( said with a smile)

Jungkook: it is all because of Jeon y/n ( with a small smile)

Client: you have a great mind ,we are glad to work with Jeon industry ( said while forwarding his hands for a handshake with jungkook)

Jungkook: thank you ( did a handshake )

Client: we will take our leave ( said and went out of meeting room )

Jungkook: come to my cabin ( said while going out of meeting room with a normal face )

Y/n: don't he know how to say this lines normally with calm smile or nicely

Author:( y/n also went to his cabin and stands in front of him )

Jungkook: so you did a great job and I am happy to say that you are promoted ,you are my secretary from tomorrow ( said coldly)

Y/n: is he happy ??? I think people will be smiling when they are happy ,ufff this confusion ( she mumbled to herself )

Jungkook: did you said anything ( confused )

Y/n: no no sure thank you ( said with a fake smile )

Jungkook: you can go to home ( said coldly and started doing his work in his laptop )

Y/n : ok ( said and about to go but realised something )

Y/n: sir what you said ???( Confused that she heard is right or just imagination)

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