Chapter I

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"Position 5." Madame B orders, her viper eyes glistening as she watches the girls move to obey her command.

I have been in the Red Room for only a few months, but I've stopped crying in the middle of the night. I have learned how to survive, possibly even thrive, in this hellhole. At only 5, I strive to become the image that they have carved just for me, because maybe then, they will give me the love I so desperately want. Dreykov has informed me of his plans once I graduate. That I will become his greatest achievement, the perfect assassin. 

I watch the older women dance gracefully, their eyes as hard as steel, void of emotion. They know that if they make one one wrong move, it will be over for them. A mistake didn't just mean a slap in the wrist, it means being confined in a small room for days, even weeks on end. That is an appropriate punishment in the Red Room.

Madame B sighs. "Go eat, girls. Gun training is next. Be ready." The older girls walk out first single-file. I follow with the other girls who are my age. 

Being only 5 years old in the Red Room meant you don't do a lot except observe the older girls. The only thing we do on our own is learn as many languages as possible, so you can melt into as many different identities as possible. Russian is a given, as was English. Spanish, Latin, German, and Arabic are other toungues we are forced to perfect. 

The second I walk into the hall, a guard grabs my arm. "Dreykov wants you, now."

No questions are asked in the Red Room, just orders.

I stare longingly at the meals before I follow the guard toward the office. I hated Dreykov, and I hate his office. Dreykov is the one who took my childhood, and forced me, as well as the rest of us, to throw away our childhood so we can become killers.

I walk into the office, feeling the atmosphere change, as if even the air senses something terrible is going on in here.

There is another girl who is standing in front of his mahogony desk. She looks to be about my age, with long red hair and green eyes. I have seen her around. The girl was in some of my classes, but we never had a chance to introduce ourselves. She doesn't seem as if she wants to be there, either.

"Y/N, welcome!" Dreykov says when he sees me. He dismisses the guard and waves his hand, telling me to come towards the desk.

I cautiously went next to the other girl, keeping a safe distance away from her. If there's one thing the Red Room taught me in the past few months, it's to never trust anybody. Except Dreykov, of course.

"Madame B tells me you're doing well in your classes, Y/N. She says you are a natural at learning languages!" He looks like a proud father, as if he was the one who raised me. 

I just nod, wondering what we were actually here for. Dreykov doesn't bring you to his office simply to compliment you. 

"Y/N, at only 5 years old, you're a strong, level-headed girl. You know when to pick a fight, and you're smart about it, too. Not to mention your looks. When you grow up, you'll be quite the seductress!" Dreykov says excitedly, "With Natalia's equally advanced skills and looks, you two as a pair could take over the world! With my help, of course." He says smoothly, a sort of power glinting in his eyes.

I suddenly understand why Dreykov brought me and the other girl, Natalia, here. He hopes to partner us. 

"You will be given the same classes, same training, with the same weapons. You'll notice that you're to be given special treatment, different than the other girls." He leans forward, as if he's sharing a secret, "This is because I know that you girls, my girls, are special. You two will become the double edged sword I will use to take over the world!" 

Dreykov grabs both of our shoulders, forcing us to be within inches of each other. "You should be very grateful for this chance I'm giving you, girls. I know you two are very, very skilled, and I'm giving you the opportunity to use those skills to my advantage."

 I nod, "Thank you." I say. 

Dreykov is nice to me, I think, he likes me, and he knows what's best for me. If I help him, then he'll love me!

Natalia looks eager to help him, too. We both are looking for validation from the sole father figure in our lives. 

"Good. Now leave. Go train." He says dismissively, suddenly not interested anymore. 

A guard is waiting for us outside the room. The elevator ride is silent, but I keep looking at Natalia, trying to figure out what to say to her. Once it's over, the guard leads us to our room. There are only two beds, with handcuffs, of course. It seems as if this was our special treatment. 

"I'm Y/N." I offer when the guard leaves.

"I heard." Natalia answers, going to the bed furthest away from the door.

"Look, if we're going to be partnered, we could at least be friendly." I say, hoping she will be at least a little less hostile.

"Fine. I like guns better than knives, my favorite language is Latin, and my favorite class is ballet. Happy?" she says, sitting on the bed.

"I was thinking your favorite color?" 


~First chapter! It was a little short, but what do you think so far? I've got most of the book planned out, and before you read any more, I'm gonna say I'm sorry for what's to come. Also, this book is gonna have a happy ending. You can thank Siri for that, I was on the verge of killing of the main character. Thanks!~

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