s i x t e e n

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"Do you have a guitar?" I asked. We had just gotten back from swimming and Gypsy decided she was going to shower before dinner. 

"Yeah, there's one in my bedroom." Gypsy said before walking into the bathroom. I walked into her bedroom and found a guitar hanging on her wall. It had stickers of different bands, including One Direction littering it. 

The last few weeks have given me so many new song ideas I felt like I was going to explode. I didn't want to think about having to leave Gypsy in a few weeks to go on tour again. I began to play a few chords I came up with last night on the drive here. "She plays songs I've never heard. Old lovers hippie music, she pretends not to know the words. So I keep thinking back to a time under the canyon moon." I softly sang. That was good. I scribbled down the lyrics and notes in my journal that I took everywhere with me before recording it on my phone. 

"Staring at the ceiling. Few weeks and I'll be gone...." No, that doesn't sound right.  "Through Paris, all through Rome. I'm still thinking back to a time under the canyon moon." When you have an amazing muse it's pretty easy to create beautiful stuff. I was surprised I managed to get out two good verses that quickly but I've been playing around with lyrics in my head for a few days. Suddenly I was exhausted and sleep sounded amazing. 


"Hey, wake up." A soft voice said as they shook me. I slowly opened my eyes to find Gypsy standing over me. Her hair was in braids now and she changed into a white sundress. 

"How long did I sleep?" Based on the sun setting outside I was out for at least an hour. 

She looked at the clock on the wall before replying. "About an hour. Nana said food would be ready around 7:30 so you still have a while to freshen up." 

"Are you saying I stink?" I smirked. 

"Yes. You smell horrendous." She grinned. I pulled her on top of me, sending her into a fit of laughter. I flipped us over, leaving me on top. She stared up at me with a smile on her face. 

"You look super pretty in that dress." I whispered. Our faces were mere inches apart and I could feel my necklace dangling onto her chest. 

"Thank you." She breathlessly replied. We stared at each other for a few more moments before she pulled my head down and connected our lips. The kiss was short but sweet, leaving me craving more. "Now don't mess up my makeup." She teased, lightly pushing me off of her so she could sit up. 

I fake pouted as she left me stranded on her bed. I watched as she gracefully moved around her bedroom, collecting her belongings. "Nana said shes making piperade tonight which is my favorite." 

"I think I've had it a few times before. It sounds familiar and if it's what I'm thinking it is, I really enjoyed it." 

"Maybe tomorrow I'll take you horse back riding. I haven't been in years so it might be scary." She said. I've only been once and I had a lot of fun so I'd imagine being with her would make it even better. 

"That sounds fun. We leave on Thursday, right?" I hoped it didn't sound like I was eager to leave because I definitely wasn't but my manager wanted me back soon. We still had three full days left in what felt like a little oasis. 

"Mhm. I figured on Wednesday we could go into town and explore a bit. I could show you my old stomping grounds." She slightly giggled. Her laugh could cure the worlds problems. It certainly solved mine. My eyes followed her as she made her way out of the room, leaving me to finish getting dressed. 

I presumed the dress code was casual so I decided to wear a white linen button up and some light blue shorts along with my classic white vans that have been through hell and back. "Harry are you ready?" 

"Yep." I grabbed my belongings and followed after the beautiful blonde in front of me. I wish we could stay here for eternity and that we didn't have to return to the real world. Soon I'd have to return to touring and she'd have to begin recording their next album which meant we wouldn't see each other a lot. Though we've only known each other for a month or two, she was already a huge light in my life and I hope she stays around for a while. 

The path to her Nana's house was familiar now and it was a beautiful walk. Being around her family made me miss my own but they've been so welcoming. 

"Te voila!" The short, tan, lady exclaimed as we approached the beautiful home. "Dinner has just finished, come in before it gets cold!" 

She led us to the dining room where Gypsy's father, Emma, and a man I haven't met before were sitting. Gypsy pulled out a chair and I opted for the one next to it. "This looks amazing Nana." She complimented. 

"Thank you mon cher. Emma brought her new boyfriend. Emma, why don't you introduce the boy?" 

Emma had a giddy grin on her face which made Gypsy smile as well. "This is Charles. Charles meet my niece Gypsy, aka the best singer you'll ever meet. No offense Harry. This is my brother, Dean. He'll probably pull a Van Gogh joke on you but don't be alarmed. That's Harry, I just met him but he's dating Gypsy." The word 'dating' made me blush. We weren't dating but we definitely weren't just friends. "And this is my amazing mother, Penny Star." 

"Lovely to meet all of you. Thank you so much for having me Mrs. Star, you have a wonderful home." Charles seemed incredibly nervous and I didn't blame him. I was slightly nervous too but they've mostly worn off. 

"Oh please, 'Mrs. Star' makes me feel old! Penny is fine." Penny waved off. The food in front of us looked insanely good. I could feel myself drooling. "Harry dear, the food is vegetarian safe by the way. Gypsy mentioned you being a pescatarian." 

"Thank you, you didn't have to do that. This looks incredible." I gave her a thankful smile and squeezed Gypsy's hand under the table. 

Shortly after a bit more small talk we all dug in. Nobody left a single crumb on their plates. Gypsy wasn't lying when she talked up Penny's cooking. 

"So Harry, I was listening to your album earlier and I must say it is amazing. Every song is magnifique." Penny said, finger-kissing one of her hands to emphasize it. 

I softly laughed. "Merci. I'm glad you like it." 

"So cherry, what do you plan on doing tomorrow?" Dean asked Gypsy. 

The beautiful blonde shrugged. "Emma, are we still on for that run in the morning?" 

"Yep. Hopefully those fancy gyms in L.A. haven't made you faster than me." Her cousin teased. It was odd how they looked so similar yet so different. Emma had brunette hair and blue eyes and Gypsy had blonde hair and brown eyes but their noses and lips were similar. They acted like sisters and looked like sisters.  

"I think I've went to the gym once since being in L.A. and it was because Elias needed me to take pictures of him." Gypsy laughed. 

"Sounds like Eli." Emma laughed along. 

"After that I planned on coming home and making breakfast then showing Harry around town." Gypsy said after she stopped laughing. 

"You should take him to Shiloh's. I will forever say that place has the best food in town." Dean suggested.

Gypsy shrugged and looked at me. "Sounds intriguing." I softly smirked. 

"Dad's right, Shiloh's is amazing." She added. "Alright so we'll explore then go to Shiloh's."

"Perfect." I nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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