𝟖. 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤

77 10 26

My interview was on Tuesday, It was supposed to last for minimum two days, but god's grace, I got selected on the first day itself

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My interview was on Tuesday, It was supposed to last for minimum two days, but god's grace, I got selected on the first day itself.

According to the contract, my working tenure begins from next week which happens to be 1st of the next month i.e. April, implying I had 5 days before finally starting my work life which also meant I only had 5 days left BEFORE MOVING OUT.

Two entire days after my interview, went in house hunting, buying furniture that was lacking in my already furnished house, making final deals and changes with the broker and packing my stuff.

Today is Friday already and I can't simply comprehend how fast time was flowing. I craved every single minute to be passed with tonnes of love, in this house before I move out. But time has been nothing but a bad bitch as it kept moving more and more quicker every single day.

Even though, I was the one who made the decision of moving out in the first place, leaving my childhood home meant leaving a part of my life.

This meant I am no longer a child, but have become a grown adult that will have to deal with her own set of problems, instead of running to Mum in the next room.

Now I will live 1 hour away from my parents and from my house but I will live thousands of miles away from my childhood, because I set it sinking and leaving me as I pack my suitcases.

I was really excited for my life's new chapter, but I didn't realize that starting a new chapter meant leaving the old one behind.

This pain sits in my heart, every night when I try to sleep, which I am not able to as my eyes wouldn't stop showing me the film of my memory lane down childhood.

I've cried thrice with mumma and one time with papa, and they have been supporting me, understanding me and giving me time to be emotional.

Today as I lock my final suitcase, I decide no more tears, this was solely my choice and I stand by it.

I decided that I will look at the positive aspects of the entire situation instead of thinking of the negative ones.

In the first few days, Mum has decided to stay with me so I can get comfortable, and once I am used to the place mum will leave.

Mum and dad will regularly come and visit me and of course, I will as well, come home on holidays or whenever I want.

Two days pass by, it is finally sunday today, my last day in my childhood home. I savour every bit of my day, from spending time with my parents to eating my favorite food while binge watching my favourite movie, I live the day zero regrets and sadness and enjoy the moments.

By the evening, dad comes to drop me and mom to my place. All my luggage has already been shifted and arranged in the home.

I and Aarohi even took our sweet time on Saturday and decorated the place a little bit.

𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora