6 - Inhuman Instincts

Start from the beginning

"Addy... Is that Jeff the killer?" Alexis interrupted, her voice was fearful.

"Oh god, Lexy!" I reluctantly left Jeff - who continued to tremble and have self hate - to go to Alexis.

"Okay, yes, he is Jeff. You can't tell ANYONE!" I said urgently, putting all the emphases on 'anyone'.

"But-but..... Why are you..." She couldn't even finish her sentence.

"It doesn't matter now, just crawl back to bed, and fall back to sleep. If you want I can explain in the morning." I said calmly, helping her back to sleep. She was too confused to object.

I turned back to Jeff, only to find him gone. He left the way I assumed he entered - the open window. The curtains blew in the soft breeze of the night, flooding into the room.

I went to the window and looked out, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. No luck.

I turned back to the room and saw that his bloody knife was still on the ground. There was a blood stain on the floor from where it hit the ground.

How am I going to explain this to Rachel?! I've got it!

I picked up the knife, and with hesitant hands brought it up to my arm. With a quick - painful - movement of my wrist I made a cut on my arm. I resisted the urge to scream, but I couldn't hold back a whimper.

Alexis woke again. "What are you doing?!" She whispered frantically.

"You'll see!" I said with a painful smile. She shut her mouth and stared intently at me.

I set the knife down on the carpet where I picked it up. Raising my hand to my new cut, I got some of my blood onto my fingers. I crawled to the edge of the bed and smeared the blood onto the metal side.

I hid Jeff's knife and sat next to stain on the floor, clutching my arm. I allowed some tears that were building up from the pain to stream down my cheeks.

I took a deep breath and screamed. Alexis made a sound like she understood finally what I'm doing. A few moments later Rachel came bursting through the bedroom door. She gasped when she saw the blood.

"Addilyn! What happened!" She said racing to me. She observed the cut on my arm and the area around me.

"I fell off the bed! I musta cut my arm on the way down! I'm sorry for all the blood!!" I said through half-fake, half-not sobs.

"Ohh.. Sweety, don't be sorry, you gotta be more careful! Here, come with me let's clean that up!" She said helping me up.

As I passed Alexis I gave her a wink, and she smiled a wow-I-can't believe-you-just-did that! Smile.

Rachel led me to the bathroom, where she grabbed a clothe bandage from under the sink and wrapped my arm.

"This won't really help, so let's go to the hospital. HONEY! WE'RE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL! GET UP!"

Alexis came running into the bathroom. "Hospital?"

"Yeah, the wound looks pretty deep. She should get it professionally looked at."

"But I only have sixty dollars! I can't afford the hospital!" I said frantically.

"Don't worry honey, I'll pay for it!" Rachel said, putting on her coat and pushing us both out the door.

. . . . .

The hospital was a nightmare. And whatever they did to my arm, hurt. I ended up paying $40 on the hospital, cause I felt really bad. Maybe I shouldn't have cut my arm so deep.

"Hey, I'm sorry about this whole mess..." I said, ashamedly.

"Don't worry about it! Accidents happen! I'm just glad you didn't get hurt worse!" She said, reassuringly.

Accident. Yeah. I exhaled slowly, releasing my pent up breath. We were in their car, driving back home. I closed my eyes and relaxed. It was like 2 am, and I was exhausted.

I awoke in bed, Rachel must have carried me from the car here, like a child. Alexis was still sound asleep next to me, she looked confused and exhausted.

I looked back out the window, and remembered the full events if last night.

His kiss. His inhuman attack. His regret when he came to. His confession his feelings.

I sighed. I don't know what all of this means. Will our crazy relationship stand strong?

"Hey... You said you would explain." Lexy said, startling me.

"Oh! You scared me. Yeah... Okay. What do you want to know?"

"All of it?"

"Okay. Wednesday, Taylor and I were walking home, after we split up, I went to another part of the forest. There I found a dead woman's body and Jeff. I told him I loved him, he got embarrassed and ran away. When I got home my mom was.... Eehh... And.... And I assumed it was Jeff, because there was a note that said 'go to sleep'... But it turns out that it wasn't Jeff, it was a copy-cat. And one thing led to another, and now were a couple."

"Wow. Lots of information there. So is he the real Jeff the killer?"

"Yes. Get this, all the CreepyPastas are real!" I said, excitedly.

"Ticci Toby too?"

"Toby too." I said with a smile, knowing that she finds him cute.

I was surprised that she actually believed me, but glad that she did. It made my life easier.

I got up and started to get ready for school, but Rachel came in and told us that because of last night's events, we don't have to go to school today.

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