Eight, 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬

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"They say all's well that ends well, but I'm in a new hell every time you double-cross my mind." - Taylor Swift

"It wasn't that [Erwyna Torres] wanted to be Emily Prentiss, but that she wanted to be with Emily Prentiss."

Sprinting through the BAU while simultaneously jumping to pull her shoes tighter, Erwyna was in a state of crisis. She had slept through her alarm today as well as sleeping through the five calls Hotch left on her phone. Looking through the windows and seeing that the briefing hadn't started yet, Erwyna heard a prominent voice just behind her.

"Excuse me, agent, I need to speak to Agent Prentiss and one of her superiors." The voice spoke to Agent Anderson, another friendly face of the BAU.

At the sound of Emily's name, Erwyna turned around. "I'm running late, but I can take you to her." Erwyna smiled at the woman who just stayed standing there even though Erwyna was trying to move forward. "I was just going to meet her anyway."

The woman took in Erwyna's figure and face, making Erwyna extremely uncomfortable.

"Can I help you?"

Nodding, the woman put her arms on Erwyna's shoulders. "You must be the fiancée that I've heard so little about."

"Oh-" Erwyna's eyes widened with even more panic while the woman cut her off.

"I will admit that Mike is a very odd name for a woman. But all the merrier, I can't wait to have you in the family!" She leaned in for a hug, which Erwyna reciprocated with her voice box silenced. When the woman pulled away, she nodded again. "You are a fine woman, suitable for my daughter." She sighed as Erwyna looked through a window again to which Emily immediately began to rush out. "Ah! There she is."

Once Emily came around the corner, she shouted, "Mother? What are you-" Emily's mouth remained agape when she shook her head, realizing the situation.

"I was just meeting your fiancée! You've got a lovely woman here."

"Oh, no- she's not- we're not-" Emily slowly walked over while she attempted to find her words. "This... isn't my fiancé."

"Oh?" Ambassador Prentiss looked back at Erwyna. "Hm. That's odd, you're definitely my daughter's ty-"

Emily uttered, "Mother!"

Emily's mother nodded at Emily as she walked over to her, with Emily shooting an apologetic glance from the doorway.

As they walked away and went to Hotch's office, Erwyna watched in shock because not only was she mistaken for Emily's fiancée, she liked it. Erwyna liked being Emily's fiancée. Erwyna still liked Emily. Erwyna still loved Emily.

Her hands slowly raised to the wall as her eyes remained open, not blinking once. She was still in love with Emily Prentiss. She was still-

Derek came around the corner, squinting softly when he saw Erwyna. "Hey, baby doll? You good?"

In a robotic manner, Erwyna turned ninety degrees towards Derek and just passed him without saying a word. Her hands remained mid-air as she tried to make sense of this all. Erwyna Torres was still in love with Emily Prentiss. But she was in love with Elle? But she was in love with Emily.

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