Charlotte sighed in response, her expression softening. "Maria... its okay if you don't want to talk about it. Nevertheless, someday, when you are ready, I will be here waiting to listen. Until then, I'll respect your boundaries."

Maria felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. "Thank you for understanding," she said, relieved that Charlotte was not pressing for more details.

Charlotte smiled reassuringly. "Of course. Friends respect each other's boundaries. But whenever you're ready to open up, I'll be here to listen."

Charlotte could not resist rolling her eyes at Maria's politeness. "And stop with the formalities, will you? I know all about boundaries. Enough of that let us go get something to drink. What is your poison? Juice, cocktail, or something else entirely?"

"Anything is fine. A soft drink will do. Orange juice, but if you have apple juice, that would be even better."

Maria was not a fan of alcohol. Her first encounter with it had left a bitter taste in her mouth, both literally and figuratively. Moreover, she was well aware of the harmful effects it could have on the body, particularly the liver. Her paternal side had a history with alcohol, and it was terrible.

Charlotte chuckled knowingly. "Classic apple juice it is. I should have known you would go for that. Can't you be adventurous for once?"

Maria laughed softly. "You know me too well. Apple juice it is. I like to keep this body healthy."

Charlotte grinned. "Got it loud and clear. Let me grab those drinks for you. In the meantime, why don't you mingle? Connect with some people?"

"Um, okay," she replied, trying to steady her racing thoughts.

"I'll be back before you know it," Charlotte assured, blowing a kiss before disappearing into the crowd.

As Charlotte left to fetch the drinks, Maria felt a surge of nervousness and anxiety wash over her.

Left alone at the party, Maria glanced around, feeling a pang of isolation amidst the unfamiliar faces. Aside from Charlotte and Roman, she did not recognize anyone. With a sigh, she made her way to an empty seat and settled down.

To distract herself from the uncomfortable silence, Maria pulled out her phone and clicked into a game, her fingers tapping away at the screen in a futile attempt to quench the bubbling anxiety building up within her.

Maria was startled when a voice interrupted her concentration. She looked up to see two women holding glasses of wine, their faces bearing a hint of recognition.

"I knew this face was familiar," the first woman remarked with a smile.

Her friend nodded in agreement. "Wow. You were right."

The first woman turned to Maria, her smile widening. "See, I told you so."

Confusion flickered across Maria's face as she questioned them. "Excuse me? What do you mean?"

The woman introduced herself as Vera, and her friend as Gwyneth. Maria exchanged handshakes with them, feeling a sense of unease creeping over her.

"Gwen for short, actually," Gwyneth added with a friendly smile.

Vera leaned in, her tone conspiratorial. "I was just telling Gwen here that we know you. You look familiar. You're Maria, John's wife, right?"

Maria's smile faltered, her heart sinking at the mention of her ex-husband's name. A name she never wants to hear ever again.

"Ex-wife, actually." Maria corrected.

"The rumor was true after all." Vera remarked, her tone carrying a hint of intrigue.

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