Write a scene where Friday and Ian are adults

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Look, I have no idea where this prompt came from, but it was suggested by bing ai so here it is.

Title: "Echoes of the Old Library"

Setting: The old library at Highcrest Academy, now dustier and quieter. The shelves sag under the weight of forgotten books.

Friday: (traces her fingers along the spines) Ian, it's been years since we sat here, solving mysteries and dreaming of the stars.

Ian: (smiling) The library hasn't changed much, has it? But we have. Life took us on diverging paths—detectives, scientists, explorers.

Friday: (sighs) I miss the simplicity of those days. The thrill of decoding ciphers, the adrenaline of chasing suspects. And you, always by my side.

Ian: (leans against a bookshelf) Friday, you were my compass. When the world spun too fast, I followed your lead. But there's something I never told you.

Friday: (curious) What?

Ian: (voice soft) When you left for Antarctica, I thought I'd lose you forever. The ice swallowed you, and I was left with echoes of your laughter, your brilliant mind.

Friday: (touches her scarred cheek) Antarctica changed me. The cold seeped into my bones, but it also thawed something inside. I realized I'd been running from more than just mysteries.

Ian: (steps closer) You were running from us. From what we could be. Friday, I've loved you since that first cipher we cracked together. And I've waited.

Friday: (teary-eyed) Ian, I—

Ian: (holds her face) Shh. No need for words. Let's rewrite our story. Here, in the place where it all began.

He kisses her—a reunion of souls, a collision of memories.

Friday: (whispers) Ian, what if we unravel again?

Ian: (brushes her hair back) Then we'll be stardust once more. Scattered across the universe, but forever connected. Our love etched in the fabric of spacetime.

They stand there, in the quiet library, hearts speaking the unspoken.

it's like Ian became a modern Shakespeare

I really need to work on the next part of Not Done Yet but in the meantime, I need prompts!

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