Write a story about Friday Barnes

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Okay so this was done on Bing Ai and as the title says, that was my prompt and this was what I got.

The Case of the Vanishing Libray Books.

Friday Barnes adjusted her pork pie hat and squinted at the library shelves. The sun streamed through the dusty windows, casting long shadows over the rows of books. Highcrest Academy's library was her sanctuary—a place where she could lose herself in the musty scent of old pages and unravel secrets hidden between the lines.

But today, something was amiss. The librarian, Mrs. Higgins, wrung her hands nervously. "Friday," she whispered, "we have a problem."

"What kind of problem?" Friday asked, her angular dark eyes narrowing. She loved problems—the more perplexing, the better.

Mrs. Higgins pointed to the empty spaces on the shelves. "Books are disappearing, Friday. Vanishing into thin air!"

Friday's heart raced. A mystery! She couldn't resist. "Tell me everything," she demanded.

The librarian's voice dropped to a conspiratorial hush. "It started last week. First, 'The Enigma of the Emerald Cipher' vanished. Then 'The Secret Society of Silent Squirrels.' And just this morning, 'The Curious Case of the Creaky Staircase' disappeared!"

Friday's mind raced. She knew those books—each one held a clue, a hidden message, or a cryptic code. She had read them all, cover to cover. "Any suspects?" she asked.

Mrs. Higgins wrung her hands again. "The usual suspects—the eccentric Professor Quill, the brooding poet Edgar Blackwood, and the elusive janitor, Mr. Scrubbs. But they all deny any involvement."

Friday's love heart face twisted into determination. She had a plan. "I'll stake out the library tonight," she declared. "No book thief can escape my scrutiny."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Friday settled into a cozy nook behind the stacks. Her dark hair fell across her face as she peered through the gaps. The library was silent, except for the occasional creak of floorboards.

Hours passed. Friday's angular eyes grew heavy, but she refused to give in. Suddenly, a shadow moved—a figure slinking toward the shelves. Friday's heart raced. She recognized the silhouette—the brooding poet, Edgar Blackwood!

Edgar reached for a book, but Friday pounced. "Caught you!" she cried, her hourglass figure blocking his escape.

Edgar blinked, startled. "Friday Barnes? What are you doing here?"

"Saving the library," Friday retorted. "Why steal the books, Edgar?"

He sighed. "I needed clues for my next poem. Inspiration, you know."

Friday raised an eyebrow. "And the disappearing squirrel society?"

Edgar blushed. "They're fascinating creatures!"

Mrs Higgins appeared, wringing her hands once more. "Edgar, you can't just take library books!"

Friday softened. "Perhaps we can strike a deal," she said. "You return the books, and I'll help you find poetic inspiration elsewhere."

Edgar nodded, and together they placed the pilfered books back on the shelves. As Friday adjusted her pork pie hat, she realized that sometimes mysteries weren't about theft or hidden codes. Sometimes, they were about understanding the quirks of fellow book lovers.

And so, the case of the vanishing library books was closed, but Friday Barnes knew that more adventures awaited her. She'd keep her eyes peeled, her mind sharp, and her heart open—for secrets whispered in the quiet corners of Highcrest Academy, waiting for her to unravel them.

And so, the brilliant girl detective returned to her beloved books, ready for the next chapter of her life.

Damn, Friday sounds pretty in this but um, why so specifically "hourglass figure"?

Idk, AI can be interesting.

I need prompts, so send them in!

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