Chapter 9

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Finally, lantern rite was just two days away and my guzheng was prepared by lady ningguang. It's been at least 3,000 years since I've played a guzheng, but I know that I'll have my sisters to guide me spiritually.

As I'm heading to the jade chamber, the decorations of liyue harbor are breathtaking. I hear a high pitch voice to my left and I see traveler and Paimon. I walk over to the two and greet them

"Hello again" I say with a smile

"Y/n! Long time no see!" Paimon exclaims

"It has been a while, are you two here for lantern rite?" I ask

"Yep! But these two guys look suspicious" Paimon says and points to moon carver and mountain shaper

"They do look suspicious indeed" I say, laughing internally

"We should sneak up on them" Paimon says and floats away to the two men

I giggle softly and follow along. As Paimon confronts them, I snicker and they both glare at me.

"Okay, that's enough Paimon" I say kindly, "it's actually moon carver and mountain shaper" I say with a smile

"Thank you y/n" moon carver says

Paimon starts apologizing to the two for accusing them of being suspicious. I say my farewell as I continue my way to the jade chamber. Ningguang meets me at the bottom and we have a nice chat before someone brings the guzheng. I analyze it before taking out some mora, but ningguang stops me

"That won't be necessary" she said before walking away

I just look at her surprised, before I could protest the person shoves the guzheng into my arms before running away. I sigh before walking back to my abode but before I do that, I drop the guzheng off at the wangsheng funeral parlor. I run into traveler and Paimon once more but this time they're with a boy.

"Y/n, this is gaming. Gaming this is y/n" Paimon introduces us

I smile at the boy and he bows a bit

"We're heading to chenyu vale, want to come with?" Paimon asked

"Sure" I agree

We set off on our journey to chenyu vale and the traveler, Paimon, and gaming joke around and fight any monsters that come across us. As we get to the upper village, gaming drops off the delivery and I climb onto bosu's boat. The three join me soon after and we start paddling down the river. As he does his usual singing, I join in and we have a fun time on the boat.

He stops mid way of his usual route and I hop off and wish the four farewell before returning to my abode at last.

Two days have passed and it's finally the night of lantern rite. I put on one of my red hanfu's with extravagant golden hair pieces and put some comfortable sandals on. I make my way to liyue harbor, feeling nervous about playing in front of everyone.

As I get to the harbor, I see my guzheng in the center of the huge statue. I take my seat behind it and look at the drummers who are hiding. We give a nod to each other and they start playing. I follow along and play once I'm cued and everyone starts forming a circle, some dancing, some just listening. I can hear some clicking but I pay it no mind as I continue playing.

Once our song finished, the lanterns start going out. Everyone is confused, but the drums start back up again. On the water was gaming, doing his wushou dance. I watch in admiration, just like everyone else, as it is my first time seeing such dance. I've only ever heard about it. Once gaming was done dancing, everyone was flying their lanterns. I decided not to participate this lantern rite, wanting to watch everyone else have fun. I look around at all of the citizens from different nations fly a kite.

I smile to myself as I turn to look at others, but I see neuvillette and another man.

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