Chapter 4

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I groan a bit, my eyes still closed, as I sit up. I slowly open my eyes and I see furina, the traveler and Paimon all looking at me.

"Thanks for waking me, how long was I out" I stretch

"A couple of weeks at least, I'll go get you some water!" Paimon says and walks out with traveler

Furina and I are left alone with each other, sitting in silence for a bit

"I have trial tomorrow, I'd like you to attend" furina starts

I look at her weirdly for a second before agreeing. She leaves as the traveler and Paimon walk in. I thank the two as I drink the water, noticing how clean it is.

"Y/n can we ask you something?" Paimon asks

"Sure" I nod

"Who is this 'he' you talked about" Paimon wonders

"My previous lover. I'm originally from sumeru and since sumeru and what is Fontaine now is close to each other, we were bound to meet someday. During the archon war though, I got misplaced and ended up residing in chenyu vale. When I had gone back to sumeru to check on my home, it was already buried in sand and Fontaine was blocked off. So, we got separated. I haven't seen him since and it's been 2,000 years already so who knows if he's still alive" I explain, fiddling with my dress

"I'm sorry for asking y/n" Paimon sulks

"It's alright" I laugh

"We have trial tomorrow, you missed our first one so we'd like you to attend the next one" the traveler states

"Sure" I smile

The two leave after a while, leaving me with my thoughts.

As the night goes by, I wonder why furina is going to court the same day the traveler and Paimon are. I ponder on this all night and before I knew it, the sun had risen. I changed into my blue and white hanfu, putting in the matching hairpieces, then meet up with the traveler and Paimon outside. We take a stroll around Fontaine before going to the opera house where they perform the trials. Upon arrival, I was bombarded with questions from a crowd that had surrounded me. I try my best to slip away and luckily it worked. I waited until everyone was inside before going inside myself.

I find a seat in the back and settle before looking up and seeing him. I gasp silently and just stare at him with my eyes as wide as they could be. I blink a few times, making sure my eyes aren't deceiving me and they aren't. I just stare at him in awe as he manages the trial. I couldn't focus on anything but him. My neuvillette.

As the trials verdict comes out, he looks stunned. Furina just got a death sentence. My breath catches in my throat as I hear his words. The machine that had given him the verdict started going crazy, making the people of Fontaine run out.

I stumble towards the stage where the traveler, Paimon, neuvillette and two other women are at, praying to any god who will listen to me that this is all just a bad dream. As I get to the stage, the machine shined a bright light. As I open my eyes, I see neuvillette and focalors.

"Focalors?" I question

"Y/n, it's been a long time my friend" she smiles

Neuvillette just stared at both of us shocked and confused. Focalors explains everything to him, trying to make him understand the situation. As they have their conversation, I think back on how I met furina. But it was cut short as focalors hugged me once more. I hugged back and she announced that it was time for her execution.

She did a very beautiful dance before the sword above her head crashed down, killing her instantly. I stare at the place where my friend once was, trying not to panic. My heart breaks as tears start rolling down my face. I look over at neuvillette and he looks crushed.

I made the conclusion that he was in love with the hydro archon making my heart break even more. We appear back in the opera house and neuvillette had disappeared leaving the traveler, Paimon and I alone in the opera house. I explained to them what happened, that the he was neuvillette and that I will be leaving as soon as possible wishing them a safe travel. I head back to the inn unaware that Fontaine will be flooded.

I feel a huge wave hit my back as I get drifted away from the inn. I summon my erhu to follow me and I see it slowly catching up. I grab it and try to guard it, but I hit a huge boulder making my whole body fill with pain. As the waters current settles, I sink to the ocean floor tired from crashing into buildings, boulders, and wooden crates. I send out a message to Rex, the man whom I see as a father, letting him know about my condition. Shortly after I pass out from sheer exhaustion, still clutching my erhu.

Old lover || Neuvillette x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz