Chapter 3 - Bridges and Barriers

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Bubble's growing friendship with Flower stirred a wave of concern among her longtime companions, Match and Pencil. Having witnessed Flower's abrasive behavior in the past, they were apprehensive about Bubble getting too close to her.

One breezy afternoon, as Bubble skipped towards Flower, eager to share the latest challenge updates, Match and Pencil intercepted her with worried expressions plastered across their faces.

"Hey, Bubble! Like, what's with you hanging out with Flower all of a sudden?" Match exclaimed, her tone tinged with apprehension.

"Yeah, like, have you forgotten how mean she was to everyone, including you, in BFDI?" Pencil chimed in, her arms crossed defensively.

Bubble paused, taken aback by her friends' sudden confrontation. She couldn't deny Flower's past behavior, but she also believed in second chances.

"Well, maybe Flower's changed," Bubble suggested optimistically, hoping to ease their concerns.

Match and Pencil exchanged incredulous glances, clearly unconvinced by Bubble's hopeful outlook.

"Changed? Seriously, Bubble?" Match scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Yeah, like, I highly doubt that," Pencil added, her skepticism palpable.

Bubble hesitated, unsure of how to respond. She valued her friends' opinions, but she also believed in giving others the benefit of the doubt.

"I understand your concerns, but I want to give Flower a chance," Bubble explained, her voice wavering slightly.

Match and Pencil exchanged a resigned look, realizing that convincing Bubble to distance herself from Flower would be an uphill battle.

"Fine, Bubble. Like, do whatever you want. But don't say we didn't warn you," Match said with a sigh, her tone tinged with resignation.

With that, Match and Pencil retreated, leaving Bubble to ponder their words. As she watched them walk away, a seed of doubt took root in her mind.

Was she making a mistake by trusting Flower? Or was there more to Flower's story than she realized?

With a heavy heart, Bubble turned back to Flower, determined to navigate the complexities of friendship and loyalty in the tumultuous world of the Battle for Dream Island. Little did she know, the path ahead would be filled with twists and turns, testing the bonds of friendship in ways she never imagined possible.

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