Chapter One- Overtime

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"Have you ever noticed that each day boss has a new girl in his office. They make the LOUDEST moaning noises, but at the end you see them running and wiping there tears. So he's that good or he said something to offend them?"...said Ireine

"I wear headphones."...said Esther

"I tune him out."...said Zhao

"He's not my type. So why would I be concerned."...said Liv

"It begs the question. We've noticed that you have been looking through his window when his blinds are open and when he's working.

"If your so concerned Ireine why don't you just step into my office and you can be the next one. And trust me I'll do you so hard that you will be begging for more."...said Wei

Hah-aha..."Your kidding right? Your a man whore. You might as well turn your office into a brothel. You have so many women running in and out of your room that I lost track of. I wouldn't be one of them even if the last words that came out of your mouth were...I am doing this to make you jealous. What your doing is disgusting, and disgraceful. And by the way your not my type."...said Ireine

Sighs..."Ireine, Ireine, Ireine. You may not know this about me but I was voted the sexiest man alive. So therefore I am everybody's...type."...said Wei

"You might be everybody's type but your not mine. And yes we know you were voted for the sexiest man of the year. You wont live it down until it is embedded in our heads. screams to me that your boyfriend material. What screams to me is that you like to objectify, and materialize things, and flaunt your wealth. Yes we get it you have money and charm. But you also burnt holes in daddy's pocket. Up until a year ago you didn't take his company seriously. You started to take it seriously when you learned he was dying. And what was in his will were the things he was going to leave you it was his money and his companies. Then that is when you started to get your shit together, or so he thought. The things you objectify is woman. You think they are at your beck and call just because your hot. You think they just want to open there legs and say 'Oh Gawd put it there that's the spot'...asked Ireine

"What about me screams im not your type?"...asked Wei

"I like guys that dont use women just for sex...I dont like guys who sleeps with every woman just to fill there satisfactory needs. If you want sex then it has to be with me and only me. Not saying that I want to have sex with you. I mean your body is tempting but it's not turning me on. You asked me why your not my type? I'll list the reasons: Your to needy. Your to demanding. You make us work overtime 24/7. Beth had to work overtime and she couldn't even go to her mother's funeral. Cindy got divorced because her husband cheated on her with her best friend. Steven has been kicked out of his own house because you made us work overtime. And half these women work here but. But you know what they say instead of pleasing you for your outstanding performance. That your Nothing here is clean anymore. My last reasons: Is because you don't have a heart. Each time I see you bring a woman into your office I always see them run out in tears. The other day you scolded at an incident girl, for spilling coffee, you made her run away with tears down her face she was AFRAID. So I stand here today to declare that your heartless, that you lack emotion, and that you use people for your own benefit."...said Ireine

"I use people for my own benefit. Yes a man has pleasures, I enjoy good sex every once in a while."...said Wei

"EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE!!!!!!!! WEI!!! We have to hear moaning every single day coming from your office. Are you running a company or a whore house?"...asked Ireine

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