Chapter 1: The end of the Summer Break!

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Glacier's POV:

This summer was a long but fun one. For starters, I, Elsa, Scarlet, Alaska and Winter were always together and walking Shelby and Button. We would take the dogs to the beach with us and find doggy icecreams for them while we all had our own human ice creams. The swims in the sea was so refreshing, especially when it was the hottest day of the year. Elsa would guide me and help me swim while doing it herself.

Today, we were all packing for going back to Mill Brook. Arianna was already there with Alaska, Anna and Raven. The girls kept reporting to me and Elsa about the activities they had to do. I sighed, remembering mine and Elsa's first days at the school.

"Are you okay?" Elsa noticed that I was quiet. "Worried about going back?"

"Hm ... sort of," I admitted. "We are year ten, now!"

"I know, right?" Winter had joined us. "Me and Scarlet have been there for four years now!"

"Our second year," I said. "Just hope there won't be many problems this year."

Elsa hugged me. "Stop worrying. Nothing bad will happen. I promise!"

"And if it does," said Winter. "You have us six. Plus the dogs!"

I nodded. "Can't believe we are allowed to bring Shelby with us, too!"

"She's Scar's dog," said Winter. "She's there to make her smile during the hard times. I just hope her dad will make it okay."

"Me, too!" Elsa sighed. "At least I've managed to control my fits."

Howling came to our ears. Then Scarlet came into mine and Elsa's room, Shelby and Button at her heels. We all giggled.

"Practicing your singing, girl?" Elsa asked, petting the husky pup. "You have a beautiful voice."

I reached out and Shelby nuzzled my palm. "Good girl!" I said.

Button came up and nuzzled me, too! The husky cross did seem not herself.

"What's wrong with Button?" Elsa questioned. "She seems a bit upset."

On cue, Button started whining. Elsa came over and hugged the dog. Button sounded like she was mourning someone. But who?

"Wonder what's wrong," said Scarlet. "But none of us can talk dog."

"Alaska can," I reminded her. "Let's facetime her!"

Elsa got her phone and found Alaska in her contacts. Then she rang her.

"Hello?" Came my twin's voice, sounding bored.

"Hey, Wolfie!" I said. "We were wondering if you could translate Button for us?"

"Okay," said Alaska sounding worried.

Elsa put the phone close to Button's mouth. "Speak, girl!" she commanded.

Button gave out long mournful barks and whines.

"Ah, aha," said Alaska. "What else, girl?"

Button carried on. We all waited to find out what was wrong.

"Ah, okay!" Alaska said after a while. "That's enough now, girl!"

"What did she say?" Asked Scarlet.

"This might be triggering to two of you," said Alaska.

"Oh, okay," said Elsa and Scarlet together.

"Tell us, Wolfie!" I said. "Maybe the girls will understand!"

"Of course we will!" Said the two girls.

"Okay then," said Alaska, sounding serious. "Button's also lost an important dog in her life! She lost her mother at three weeks old. She had to fend for herself because her dad and siblings kind of forgot about her. All except her sister, Daisy!"

We all gasped.

"Poor Button," said Elsa. "I'm guessing she wants her bad."

"Yes," said Alaska. "She's missing her mother very much. Aren't you, Girl?"

Button whimpered. Shelby turned and nuzzled the bigger dog.

"Aww," said Scarlet. "Shelby is telling her that she's there to be with her!"

"Daisy?" Winter was deep in thought. "I'm pretty sure that's George's dog!"

"I'll ask him later if you like?" Alaska asked. "It's him and Arianna tonight. Luna went off."

"Yes, please!" We all said.

The dogs both barked.

"Okay," said Alaska. "I better go and check on Anna and Raven. They are so excited for you all returning tomorrow!"

"Bless them," I said. "Send them our thoughts!"

"Will do, Glacie!" Alaska sounded happy. "See you tomorrow!"

"And you," we replied.

Then Alaska went. I felt bad for our biggest four-legged companion. Loosing her mother when she was only three weeks old?



Aww. Button!

Hey everyone! Here is chapter 1. I hoped you liked it!

I know it won't link you all in this, but I would like to thank @KittyFrozenGirl, @shy_fangirl/@SeraphinaDavila/@TheRosaClub, and a lot more!

I can't believe we got book 1 to 3000+ reads and almost 1000+ reads. I hope we get this book as far.

Wolfie Out.

Glacier Freya Baker - At Mill Brook book 2 -(ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now