I don't know the guy, but I already want to strangle him. How dare he do this to Liv?

"Tell me about it. Only to end up fucking another girl like two days later"

"Oh my God. Why didn't you say anything? You need more comfort than I do."

"He's a fucking moron, I will not cry myself because of him"

"Will you accept a hug?" I offer.

"I always accept those. Especially when they come from my best friend"

Liv is the most fearless person I know. She's stunning, with her blonde hair and green eyes, but inside, she's relentless. That's why men go crazy about her. She doesn't let anyone put her down. She rarely shows when she feels hurt, I think she thinks it makes her look weak. She went through some unpleasant things as a child, and it made her stronger. It also affected her ability to trust people. Which she never does.

She knows a lot of people, she's always at some party and she has no problem with the casual fuck thing. She prefers it that way. But her heart? I don't think she ever gave it to anyone. Despite that, I know it hurts when she lets her guard down and lets someone in, only to regret it later. I know she was starting to care about Ryan, so I know she's hurt, even if she does everything to hide it.

But I'm a romantic, I know there's someone out there who will turn her life upside down, in the good way. I hope it doesn't take long because what I want most is to see my best friend happy. She deserves it.


Several days go by without seeing Conor. In fact, I don't even remember him. Except when I pass the foyer of my floor to walk through his door. I have a lot going on at the same time, though. My internship is ending, as is the deadline to deliver my thesis. I haven't had a hot meal in almost a week and coffee has become my water. For a nurse, I'm not leading such a healthy lifestyle.

All my spare hours from the hospital are used to go to the library, read bibliography for my thesis or go home for a few hours of sleep. But at least I know this is coming to an end. In two months, I'll have finished my internship and I'll just have to work for the rest of my life like normal adult people.

At least by then I'll have a life.

Between the thesis and the internship, I almost don't think about the job search I'll have to do in two months. I know that the hospital hires nurses at the end of their internship, but only the best are chosen. I don't know if I'll be in that group. I know I'm good at what I do and in addition to technical skills, I know that, humanly, I'm a good nurse. I care about the patients, I talk to them, I ask about their lives...

I know this is a job where we have to play the role of a psychologist sometimes. And I'm good at it. But is that enough? I see colleagues who finish their tasks much faster than I do, yet they don't even know the names of their patients.

But are those the nurses the hospital is looking for?

On one of my breaks, I start sending CVs to hospitals located close to town, just in case. I don't know if I'll be hired by the hospital where I'm at, so it's better to have some options. I can't risk going even a month without work, because that would mean having to ask my dad for money to pay the rent. Although we don't have any difficulties, I'm old enough to fend for myself.


After sleeping a few hours, I get up and go out for a run.

I love to run in the morning. It's not too hot and I can think about the tasks I have to do for the rest of the day. Not that I've done a lot of shit lately, but at least I intend to.

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