7: The kiss cam

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Harry smiled watching his boyfriend stare intensively at the grassy football pitch below them, "Harry look! pay attention!" 

"I'm looking love," 

Louis turned away from the game (big achievement there Harry noted) "You aren't! You're watching me! take an interest in my interests." Louis crossed his arms with a pout towards Harry tapping a finger impatiently on his elbow.

The taller boy chuckled and uncrossed his legs as he turned to face the game, knees pressed into the plastic seating in front of them, "Happy?" 

Louis nodded and quickly glanced around the small semi-private area before pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek, "Very," 

The clock slowly ticked closer and closer to half time as Harry got more and more confused as to what was happening on the pitch. He noticed that the air was a tad chilly, but the sky was clear- good conditions according to Louis. Harry agreed that for the players it was good conditions, but he could barely feel his nose, or his hands for that matter. 

He reached up to let his hair out of his bun to protect his ears, while tucking his hands into the pockets of his long brushed wool coat, only moments later he felt Louis' freezing cold hand slip into his pocket. Harry smiled and laced their fingers together "Cold?" Louis stubbornly shook his head, they heard Niall laugh somewhat evilly as he settled into his scarf and windproof puffer jacket. "Shut up Niall." 

Niall shrugged and turned back to the game.

The energy in the stadium was peaking as the seconds ticked down, Harry could feel Louis' grip tighten on his hand when the players advanced towards their goal. Just in the last second a goal went in and Louis sprung into the air- letting go of Harry's hand to clap in victory. 

Harry and Niall shared a look, staying seated so people in the lower stands didn't spot them. Didn't ruin the moment for Louis though, people knew he would be here- he had said so on his Instagram story causing them all a great deal of stress. 

Their management contract had finally finally  ended and they couldn't be happier about it, but still seeing 3/5 members of one direction in one place could cause them issues. 

Harry watched Louis cheer, he couldn't wait to tell everyone that the shorter boy was his- they knew their fans would be endlessly supportive, most of them having figured the pair out already but they hadn't quite found the right way to do it. It had to be perfect. 

Louis sat back down slightly windswept but rosy cheeked and happy. He eventually met Harry's gaze "Staring at me a lot today H." 

"just looking at what's mine." Louis blushed and hid in his collar, 

"Ew, get a room." 

They both turned to Niall, who just shrugged.

Harry nudged Louis with his shoulder, "I'm kidding, It's just nice to see you this happy."

Louis nodded and rested his head onto Harry's shoulder as the cheerleaders made their way onto the pitch, and the concession stands began to overflow with activity. The taller sunk down in his seat and wrapped his arm around Louis' shoulders. 

The pair sat watching the replays on one of the screens as Niall ran off to get more snacks. 

When the highlights finished they stayed leaning on each other until Louis sat up "H? Shouldn't Niall be back by now?" Harry nodded slowly "Probably... can you see him?" 

They both hopped up and looked around the space, "No sign of him? Must be a long queue." Louis muttered sitting back down next to Harry. The pair had sat back down in time for a sparkling pink heart to appear on the screen, Louis grinned. "This bit is always super funny H!" Harry shook his head "Whatever you say Lou," 

They watched it scan over the crowds, it landed on a cute young couple, who immediately went for a kiss- the camera had to be diverted very quickly. It then landed on two girls, one hid in her hands while the other held up a sign 'that's my sister!' Louis giggled, "they always get one wrong." 

They noticed the camera working its way towards their section. "Shit! Lou where's Niall?" 

Louis caught on immediately, "he wouldn't." 

"You know as well as I do. He absolutely would," 

They spotted Niall, unfortunately he was where they thought he was. By the camera crew. 

A second later the crowd was in uproar. Louis glanced towards the screen "shit" 

The camera was trained on them.

"I'm sorry H. Niall's gonna pay for this,"

 Harry shrugged, "I don't mind."

"We're actually going to do this?" 

Harry nodded and before he could over think it he slipped a hand to the back of Louis' neck pulling him into a soft kiss. The crowd went insane, Louis smiled into it wrapping his arms around Harry's neck to play with the curls at the base of his neck.

They parted a moment later, resting their foreheads together. "We're out" 

Louis grinned  "That we are."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 01 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Larry Oneshots!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें