Sweet moments

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Summary:Cooking together creates beautiful memories, especially with the people you love

Rudy, Drew, and Y/n decided to have a cozy day in. With blankets strewn across the couch and a playlist of their favorite songs filling the air, they embarked on a culinary adventure in their kitchen. Y/n stood between Rudy and Drew, the warmth of their bodies creating a cocoon of comfort.

"Alright, team," Y/n said, tying an apron around their waist. "What's on the menu for today?"

Drew grinned mischievously. "I say we start with something sweet. How about we make a dessert?"

Rudy's eyes lit up. "Yes! Let's make chocolate lava cakes!"

Y/n nodded enthusiastically. "Sounds perfect. Let's get started."

As they gathered ingredients and preheated the oven, laughter filled the kitchen. Drew playfully flicked flour at Rudy, who retaliated with a dollop of batter. Y/n watched their antics with fondness, feeling grateful for these moments of simple joy.

"Okay, so first we need to melt the chocolate and butter together," Y/n instructed, guiding Rudy and Drew through the process.

While the chocolate melted, Rudy wrapped his arms around Y/n from behind, resting his chin on their shoulder. "You're amazing, you know that?"

Y/n leaned back into his embrace, smiling. "Only because I have the best partners to cook with."

Drew joined them, draping an arm over Y/n's shoulder. "Agreed. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."

Once the chocolate mixture was ready, they added sugar, eggs, and flour, carefully folding the ingredients together. As they poured the batter into ramekins, Drew couldn't resist sneaking a taste.

"Mmm, this is going to be incredible," he declared, licking chocolate from his fingers.

Rudy chuckled, wiping a smudge of chocolate from Drew's cheek. "You're a mess, Starkey."

Drew grinned sheepishly. "It's all part of the experience."

With the cakes in the oven, they turned their attention to the accompanying sauce. Y/n stirred cream and more chocolate together, creating a rich ganache that filled the kitchen with an irresistible aroma.

As they waited for the cakes to bake, Rudy pulled Y/n into a slow dance, swaying to the music playing in the background. Drew watched them with a soft smile, feeling a surge of affection for the couple he was lucky enough to call his own.

When the timer finally chimed, they eagerly removed the cakes from the oven, their mouths watering at the sight of the molten centers. Carefully, they inverted the ramekins onto plates, revealing perfectly gooey chocolate lava cakes.

"These look amazing," Y/n exclaimed, their eyes shining with delight.

Rudy pressed a kiss to Y/n's temple. "Only because we made them together."

Drew reached for the sauce, drizzling it over the cakes with precision. "And now, the finishing touch."

They each took a spoonful, savoring the rich chocolate flavor that melted on their tongues. With satisfied smiles, they leaned back in their chairs, reveling in the warmth of their love and the sweetness of the moment.

"This," Drew declared, "is perfection."

Rudy and Y/n nodded in agreement, their hearts full as they savored the simple pleasure of being together. In that cozy kitchen, surrounded by love and laughter, they knew that no dessert could ever taste sweeter than this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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