Inside the chambers pt.4

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I looked at the Circling green shimmering void in front of me and I couldn't believe myself that it had finally worked. This is my greatest accomplishment yet. I won't have to worry about that spell anymore. We finally did it. "Um." I turned my head to Tori and her cheeks were flushed with blood and a small smile curling up on her lips. I tilted my head and she said, "It's not that I don't mind it, but can you let go of me now?"

I looked and I was still holding her from the wait and I quickly removed my hands of her and I stood straight and cleared my throat and looked ahead at the portal with a satisfied smile, "We did it... huh." She said with a hint of disappointment in her voice and turned to her and saw that look and clarified, "It's just that I thought it would take us more time and all. What do we do now?"

I folded my arms and said, "Now we test it for function." I snapped my finger and Jeely appeared with a pop and I said, "Bring me a mouse."
She snapped her fingers and a mouse appeared in the of her hand and I took it my hands and said to it, "You are our first test subject... if you are able to make this journey. It would change everything... your life would mean more than just eating and reproducing..." In the corner of my eye I saw Tori with a weird expression and I said, "I'm just making it more memorable for me... us." She sighed and I said, "Make us proud Jimmy."

Tori looked disappointed and I walked closer to the portal and I could hear it was like a low hum. I placed Jimmy down and he went straight into the portal and he disappeared and I said, "Find if he is alive?"

With another pop sound Jelly disappeared and I stood there in front of it waiting. And after a few breif moments Jelly appeared again but with Jimmy this time. I took Jimmy, "You... I'll take care of you, you'll like like king. Jimmy."

Tori walked a little forward and smiled, "Congratulations... it works."

I nodded and said, "Yes, but there are still a few more test to run."

She looked confused and I held my wand up and closed the gate. I walked out of the library and I saw Yuri sleeping. I woke her up and said, "Come, it's time I fulfil my promise."

She nodded and Tori walked up to me and asked, "What are you talking about?"

I opened another gate, but this one was a little bigger than the last one and I said, "I'm moving Yuri out of here."

Yuri went through the portal and Tori looked at me and I gave her my hand and said, "Want to see my house?"

She nodded and grabbed my hand and we walked through the portal. As we walked through I didn't feel any different than walking like I normally do. Except that I couldn't see where I was walking. But all of that was for just a few fraction of a seconds because as soon as I stepped out of the gate. I was back to my home.

Tori and I stood in front of the newly renovated mansion and it did look a lot different, Bigger actually. Yuri was slithering through the grass and I said, "Make sure not to hurt any human!" She yelped and slithered right into the woods nearby my mansion.

Tori looked at me and I said, "Don't worry. Those woods are mine as well. No human will step foot in here. And I have jeely here to take care of her." I took a sigh of relief, "She can finally live peacefully."

Tori looked at me and said, "Care a lot about her."

A soft chuckle came from my mouth and I said, "She's like family..."

Tori smiled and looked ahead and asked, "So this is where you live huh?"

She and I tilted my head and she said, "I remember you describing this place... either you are very bad at story telling or that you are very humble."

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