
92 2 3


-Disowning/Abandonment [obviously]
-A bit of swearing
-May's kind of a bitch
(Sorry girl, love ya)


Word Count:

Peter was on an adrenaline high. He was having the time of his life swinging through Queens after a flawless victory.

After he was finished with his little adventure, he finally began to make his way back to his and May's apartment, climbing through his window into the pitch black room. He had forgotten how late it had gotten, and with no light getting into his room, he was walking around aimlessly with his arms out in an attempt not to hit anything.

Ultimately, this plan had failed, and he tripped over an unorganised and unfinished lego build he had started with Ned a few days ago, hitting the floor with a loud thud.

He shook it off, standing back up and moving the lego to the side before taking his mask off and rubbing his head with his suit covered hands.

Before he could even realise what was happening, someone had walked into the room, speaking in a panicked and concerned voice before cutting themselves off as the door opened to its fullest.

Peters head whipped around to see May standing at the entrance to his bedroom, a shaky hand placed with an actively tightening grip on the door handle.

"May?!- Why are you awake,! It's really late -!"

Peter had realised what she had seen, why she was giving him such an indefinable look.

She was staring at the spider emblem on his chest.
Peter looked like he had seen a ghost, going instantly pale as he raised his hands defensively.

"Peter. You- what. What is going on?!"

May's mind was working on auto pilot, she immediately walked away from Peters room as Peter pressed the spider symbol on his chest, the suit falling off his shoulders effortlessly as he was quick to grab a plain white shirt, putting it on and following May out of the room.

His aunt was frantically pacing around the kitchen, her hands on her head as she was yelling , Peter couldn't really make out what she was saying but he could tell she wasn't pleased.

"May! Please calm down! I promise everything is fine -!"

Peter spoke in attempt to calm her but she interrupted him.

"How am I supposed to calm down, Peter?! I've just learned my nephew is out every night risking his life at 15 years old! How long has this been happening, Peter what is going on! And no more lying!"

May had her hands laid on her hips as she gave Peter a judgemental stare. He had never seen her this annoyed before. This stressed - before.

Peter carefully explained everything to her. Explained the school trip and the radioactive spiderbite. The weird abilities he had gained. And the truth about why he spent so much time at the tower.

By the end of it, May was in tears. But it wasn't just because of her nephews strange abilities, no. It was because she had realised Peter had gained these abilities before Ben had died. He could've saved Ben. She was sobbing, she was angry and irrational.

"Peter, I can't. Not now I just -"

She cut herself off before walking to her room, the door closing behind her with a decently loud slam.

Peter flinched at the noise and he himself now had tears pricking the sides of his eyes. He wiped the tears away, closing his eyes tightly. She was probably just in shock. Everything would be okay, he believed everything would be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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