☆Bullet Wound

163 3 0

-Detailed Gore
-Hiding wounds
-Peter pulls a bullet out of his arm with tweezers

-Peter is 15!

I post every 2 weeks!!


Peter was sat on the roof of a tall building, keeping his eye out for anything that could be going on, asking Karen for constant updates on the area.
He was bored, to say the least, but it felt wrong to want someone to get into trouble just to cure his boredom, so he didn't say anything about it. He just sat patiently, admiring the view of Queen's.

Karen's voice chimed in softly through his suit, waking him from his daze.

"Yeah? What's up, Karen?"
Peter responded as he leaned back, his hands layed behind him, keeping him sat up as he kicked his legs back and forth from over the edge of the roof.

"There's appears to be a bank robbery, 6 blocks down. 4 presences located, armed."

Peter jumped to his feet, a smile plastered on his face. A bank robbery! Finally his night was getting interesting!

"Alright, thanks Karen! I'll go check it out!"

He jumped off the roof he was previously sitting on, quickly making his way over to the bank Karen was talking about. He sat on the edge of a building, opposite the bank, observing the criminals through the full wall windows.
They didn't seem to be too dangerous, besides, theres nothing spiderman can't handle!

He proceeded to swing down to the floor before quietly opening the door to the bank, smiling as he greeted the criminals.

"Hey guys! Whatcha doing up so late on a school night?"

He looked towards the three men stood before him as they aimed their guns.

Peter grabbed one of the mens guns with a web, jerking his arm to the right causing the gun to hit the two others in the face as they attempted to shoot him.

He jumped up, climbing so he was attached to the ceiling of the room, firing another Web, hitting the middle theif in the chest, sticking him to the wall as he jumped down, shoving another one into the wall and grabbing the third theifs arm to point it at the ceiling to reposition the man's gun.

As he proceeded in giving his undivided attention to the men, he was shot in the side of the arm.
Peter gasped at the sudden pain before turning to see a woman with a firearm in her hands standing by a wall, seemingly having just entered the building.

Shit, Karen had mentioned four people. She must have seen him when he was swinging towards the bank. Whatever. No matter!

He proceeded to knock out the two men he was fighting when he was shot, shooting webs at them to attach them to the same wall as the first man. He then turned to the woman, stepping forward as he grabbed her gun with another web after barely dodging a second, or third bullet.

She landed a few punches, maybe the odd kick , but nothing he could shake off quick enough to have her attached to the wall with her buddies.
He smiled weakly and left the bank as he informed the authorities of the criminals whereabouts so they could get picked up.


Peter was slumped against a wall in an alley way a few blocks away from the incident. He had walked there, not really feeling like swinging with one arm as he groaned in pain and slight frustration, clasping his hand over the wound.

"Peter, you have endured quite a serious wound in your left arm, but due to the removal of the baby monitor protocol, I am not able to contact Mr Stark without your permission. Please grant access to the call."

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