:🍃: fathers

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mike wheeler 🖇
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

(2 years ago, Thursday, 10:08 AM)

He yelled. And yelled. And yelled more. My mom tried her best to tell him that we'll get out of this situation, but I know he won't listen, he didn't even try to take us with him, not that I would go, but I would've appreciated the sentiment. Nancy was upstairs with Holly, telling her that everything was fine. Convincing her that everything was fine. But it wasn't.

I felt helpless, I watched every move my father made, making sure he doesn't hurt my mom, as if I would be able to do anything. He made a couple calls a while ago, and apparently he's leaving. I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad, mostly happy. This man won't be able to do shit in this apocalypse, if anything he would end up getting killed the minute he tries.

He grabbed his car keys, and rushed out of the house, my mom running after him. Nancy rushed downstairs when she heard the door open, Holly walking slowly behind her, tugging on her jacket. She looked over to me, with desperate eyes, I couldn't do anything, I wanted him to leave. I wanted him to be gone.

The three of us walked outside and we watched him get into the car and drive away. My mom stood in her place, helpless. Nancy walked over to her, holding onto her and leaning her head on her left shoulder. I followed, taking her right side, leaning on her head. Holly walked to us, hugging my legs.

"Where did daddy go?" she asked, her voice was shaky, so innocent, and so soft. I crouched down next to her. She deserved to know what a crap man her dad was.


(4 months later, Tuesday, 5:00 PM)

Will and I were walking in a not so infected area. Talking. I missed talking to him. Because everytime I try to come up to him, El drags me away. At first, I put up with it, but now it's driving me crazy. Somehow, I managed to sneak away from her today.

"I'm sorry Will, I really am, I was a total asshole to you for 2 years, and I thought I was being this amazing boyfriend but I wasn't, I'm so so sorry," I told him, "it's okay Mike, really" he smiled, as if what I did wasn't horrible. As if what I did was okay. It wasn't okay, it was far from okay. I knew he was mad at me, he needed to know how sorry I was.

"You're mad" I said, shit, maybe that's not the best way to start an apology, "what?" he questioned, cleary confused with what I just said. "I know you're mad at me Will, you have every right to be, but I want, no I need you to know that I truly am sorry" I said. He stopped walking. Shit. Was it not good enough?

"Alright fine, I am mad, well, now I'm not, but I was" he started, I turned around, we were now standing face to face, talking heart to heart, in the middle of nowhere, "you completely abandoned me for two years, of course I was mad, but... I didn't... I didn't wanna force an apology out of you, because then..."

"Then what?" I asked. "It doesn't mean anything" he said, "it's like, if I told you to apologize, you probably won't really know what you're apologizing for, and will end up doing it again"

"I promise I won't do it again" I told him, hoping he doesn't think I'm not genuine. "I know you won't Mike, it's just that, you can't force feelings, you know, the person won't really feel that way for you" he continued. I thought about it, and he was right. You really can't force someone to feel a certain way, because then they just think they feel that way, but they don't.

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