:🍃: wedding

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mike wheeler 🖇
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

(Wednesday, 7:07 PM)

I saw her, walking down the aisle, looking like the most beautiful human being in entire world. She had the most gorgeous smile on her face, an adoring smile and glittering eyes. But this smile wasn't meant for me, she wasn't even looking at me. She was looking at him. The guy I despised. She didn't even glance at me, and I was right next to her new husband. She took her place on the altar, and not once did she give that beautiful smile.

I was tearing up, from both happiness and sadness. I felt a hand on my shoulder, Nancy's. I looked over to her, she gave me an assuring smile, the one that she gave me when she wanted me to know that everything would work out. I tried my best to reciprocate it, and to some extent, I did. I looked back at the almost married couple, taking a deep breath. My eyes panned over to the people sitting at the back, immediately making contact with my friends. Lucas, Dustin and Max.

Lucas and Dustin were in my dressing room about two hours ago, where they witnessed whatever commotion I had caused right before the wedding, and then left. Right now, they were giving me encouraging smiles. Max, who had been in a similar situation, told me before that it'll all get better over time, even though for her, it didn't. She gave me a subtle nod, to which I could just smile to, in return.

I looked over to El, she didn't really understand the situation, but she knew I was emotional, from what she heard, giving me a tight-lipped smile. I finally made contact with the one person that I wanted to look at the most, even though I might breakdown. Will. He was there when the commotion happened. And he stayed with me till the end. He was looking directly at me, giving me expressions that told me everything would work out, everything will be fine. He mouthed the words "It's okay" to me.

The priest started speaking, I looked back over the people standing at the altar. Mason Lee, and my mom. I was happy for her, happy that she finally found someone that truly loved her. She was happy. But I know that, she won't be truly happy, at least in this moment, because I ruined it. I fought with her, two hours before her big day.

It wasn't my intention, but, I lashed out. I wanted her to know that I didn't mean what I said, and I will. Today. I won't let her be in any kind of guilt, she doesn't deserve it.

(earlier that day, 4:41 PM)

I looked at the vehicle in front of me, a brand new car. A brand new luxurious car. The only words I could hear were "I bought it for you, Michael!" said by Mason. I saw Lucas, Dustin, Max and El swooning over the black car as Mason told them about all it's features. But I could feel my very best friend, staring right at me. I looked over to him, and then to Mason, walking towards him.

"Can you return it?" I said, recieving a very confused look from him, and the four teenagers that were standing near him. "What?" he asked, "do you... do you not like the colour?" he was about to start again, probably about how he could get it changed, "no, it's amazing, really, but I can't take such an expensive gift, I mean-" I said, trying to explain myself.

It was true, a car is an extremely expensive gift, that too for a 16-year-old boy who is not getting his driver's licence until 3 more weeks. Mason Lee was rich. And by rich, I mean, extremely rich, a car won't really hurt his bank account but, we're not even a family yet. And I'll be honest, I'm not his biggest fan. I've always been ignorant towards him, and even a bit mean.

"Michael, I brought an entire new closet for your sister Nancy, and a truck worth of toys for your sister Holly, I know we're not family yet, but I'll be your stepfather in a couple of hours. Please, I wanted to do this for you" he said, he seemed genuine, I know he was genuine, but I couldn't take it. I was about to refuse again, but some of his workers came from inside the house, calling him inside to get ready.

I couldn't return it, it was bought for me. And it looked amazing, I did love it. Mason started walking away. "Mason" I started as he turned around, "thank you" I said, and I heard cheering from Lucas, Max and Dustin behind me. He gave me a bright smile and walked away. I turned around to look over to my friends, "you are officially our ride to school man" Dustin said, jumping up and down, I just smiled at him, knowing I'm the first one to get my licence.

"Mike" Will said, I immediately turned around "you need to get ready" he said, motioning everyone else to get inside the house. My house. My new, giant, huge house. We were almost moved in with the Lee's. All our things were packed, and were going to be sent here tomorrow. My new room was huge, way bigger than my last one. But hey, my window faced directly towards Will's window. Hopper-Byers lived next door, after moving back to Hawkins, and well, saving the world, both Joyce and Hop got extreme promotions and they were doing well, things were getting better.

Will and I made up a while back, yet sometimes I still feel guilty, but everytime I try to bring it up, he tells me that it's okay. Wow. I've really hurt a lot of people.

All of us walked into what was now known as, "Mike's Room". It was huge, with blue walls because apparently my mom told Mason my favourite color.

Mason always tried his best to make me his friend, he was so energetic, so chill, and he made time for his kids. Michigan and Mitsuki. They were twins, the same age as Nancy, but he didn't care, he treated them like they were his princesses, his diamonds. That's what I admire about him. I always thought my mom chose him because he was rich, but he's actually a good guy, and Will helped me realize that.

Mitsuki Lee, the younger of the twins, instantly got along with Nancy, who introduced both the twins to Steve, Robin and Jonathan. Michigan on the other hand seemed like the exact opposite of her. But somehow, she got along great with Robin.

(5:27 PM)

"You okay?" Will asked me quietly, so no one else could hear. I nodded. "Yeah, I think, maybe" I replied. The truth is, I don't know if I'm okay. I want my mom to he happy, she deserves it. She took care of us without any help for a year, not like, dad helped her before either. He fled the town the week after the apocalypse, leaving my mom alone, to take care of us.

"MICHAEL" a voice came. I immediately turned around, my friends were quiet, Will was looking at the door. My mom barged in, "aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" I asked her. Her hair and make-up was done, and she looked amazing. "You let him buy you a car? What were you thinking?" she asked, clearly frustated, I knew she would freak out, a car is a pretty big deal.

"Mom, I tried to tell him I didn't need it, I didn't know he was buying it for me, I swear, I'm sorry" I told her, I had to convince her, otherwise she would ruin her mood hours before her wedding. "Mike do you realize how expensive a car is" she scolded me. "Mrs. Whe- well, actually I don't know what you use now but, Mike did try to tell him to return it" Will stepped in, I looked at him, and then back at my mom.

She still looked furious, "Michael I am extremely disappointed in you, how could you do this? How could you act so spoiled?" she continued.

I shouldn't be saying this, I shouldn't say this, I will regret it more than anything. But something told me to say it, something inside me. Oh no, am I vecna'd? Or flayed? That's not possible, they're dead.

"Well, Nancy has a whole new closet, she got so many things, she wouldn't have to repeat an outfit for years! Holly has so many toys she could start a store but if I get something I didn't even ask for I'm a spoiled brat?" I snapped back. "I didn't say you were a brat" my mom said, calmed down a bit that before. "You did say spoiled, aren't your two daughters spoiled? I don't know then maybe I shouldn't be a part of your grateful, fancy family anyway" I said.

My mom looked at me with an unreadable expression. She walked out of my empty room. "We should probably go" Lucas said as got up, followed by Dustin, Max and El. They all slowly walked out of the room. I looked over to Will.

"Please don't-"
"I'm not leaving" he assured.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
word count: 1576

some of y'all might see where this is inspired from, high doubts though.

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