♥️|Five x Eight

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[strict Mom friend x indifferent dad friend. Balanced,as all things should be.]

[Both will be referred to as he/they. G a y s]

[Context: just...five dealing with six setting their stuff on fire again]

[POV: Five]

I sigh,irritated as I take the lighter away from six,glaring at them "can you not set my things on fire every few seconds? It's getting annoying..."

"It's just a bookshelf,don't be so uptight!" Six says,rolling their eyes

"It was a nice bookshelf!" I reply back,crossing my arms.

"What happened this time...?" Eight says neutrally,walking over.

"The local arsonist set my stuff on fire again!" I say,pointing to them.

"Six...don't do that. You know how much fives books mean to them." He says,keeping a calm expression.

I always liked it when he took my side.

"Fine...whatever." Six grumbled,snatching their lighter back and running off.

I sigh,rubbing my temples "jeez are these guys a handful..."

"Ain't that right..." eight replied,before following up with "you wanna go to the even numbers clubhouse?"

"But I'm an odd number?-" I reply,looking at him

"I think I can bend the rules a little for you..." eight replied,which made me smile.

"Heh...alright then,let's go."

We walk hand in hand to the even numbers clubhouse. I've never been,so I was actually quite excited! Maybe it's just as nice as ten says it is...

We both walk inside,as eight leads me to the living room before going to the kitchen to make popcorn.

I sit on the couch and flip through the different movies,as eight comes back with the popcorn. Salty,just as I preferred it...

They were always so admirable...their stoicism was on another level,but they sometimes smiled around me.

I adored him.

And he adored me.

Eight sits with me on the couch,as we watch the movie I picked out together,sitting close by as we shared the popcorn bowl...

I occasionally brushed my hand on theirs,as he noticed and nudged me playfully a little.

It was our way of flirting,I'd say.

I was just happy to finally have some time along with him...as I cuddle up to them.

"Thanks for watching this movie with me,by the way." Eight says as he wraps a hand around me,holding me close.

"No problem. I'd never miss a chance to be with ya." I say teasingly,giving them a peck on the cheek as we continued to watch the movie side by side.

It was relaxing...and eight was a lot more comfortable than I expected with all those 'lead' rumors about them.

[Oh yeah bonus]

[POV: Four]

I grumble as I look at five and eight through the window of the clubhouse

Why did five get to be in there?! They weren't even an even number! But I can't?!...

I need some solitude...

I decide to head over to fifteens house since she doesn't yell at me for it.

I knock on the door of her shack after I teleport to the front of it,as she opened the door

"I SAID TO- Oh. Hey four." She glanced at me,raising an eyebrow

"What are you doing here?"

"Just needed a solitude buddy,I'd say." I shrug,putting my hands behind my back.

"Uh...sure,come in." Fifteen says,moving so I can walk in.

We both liked to talk sometimes whenever I decide to visit,so it was actually quite nice here.

I always found the shack cozy and endearing to an extent.

I deeply valued fifteen! I wasn't afraid to tell her that.


After we were done talking,I waved goodbye to her and went back to the playground,feeling better after talking with my solitude buddy.

[The end]

[four and fifteen would be solitude buddies if fifteen didn't hate everyone.]

[Requested my Aleeza11a]

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