Chapter 3 : Kerbeus: Guard Dog of the Underworld!

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The classroom was still empty. Mikayla set her bag down on her chair. She was new to this classroom as she had just been transfered. The only available seat, she found out, was one in the last row, next to the seat beside the window. She knew that was Valt's from the stories he told, but she wondered who was her other "neighbour".

      Well, she didn't have to wonder long.


      Mikayla looked up from her book to find a familiar face looking at her. It was the white-haired, red-eyed boy she had met that day. His bag on the seat next to hers, he sat down. 'I'm definitely not going to miss having an empty desk next to me.'

       'Mhm,' Mikayla wasn't really in the mood of talking, but she was secretly happy that she was sitting in between two people she knew. Still, she shall not believe Valt that this is Shu Kurenai. You may be wondering why she's being so stubborn. The thing is, she has a reason. Valt has mistakened many people for others, including people he knew, and she didn't want it to happen to her. 

      The class began to fill in. The students were friendly, they welcomed her warmly. She was so moved by their friendliness, it left no room for her icy personality, a cold shell to protect a person who didn't prefer socializing like Mikayla.

      Valt was late as always, but the teacher hadn't entered yet. He took his seat next to the window. 'Hey...' He looked at Mikayla, then at the boy next to her, and back at Mikayla. A grin spread across his face as he did a fist pump. 'Yes!'

      There's really no reason to be excited about, Mikayla thought. At least, not one I see.    

       Ah, the confusion. But it was common with Valt around.

      The teacher entered shortly. The math lesson had begun and and most of the students were bent over their books, taking notes. Mikayla had her pen in her hand and wrote whatever was important. 

     She glanced at the table next to her. Valt didn't seem to be concentrating. He was doing something in his notebook, and it looked more like sketching rather than writing. Then, the teacher told them to copy the notes on the blackboard. He started walking around the classroom, checking everyone's notebooks.

       Mikayla was writing the notes down when the teacher stopped at Valt's desk. 'Mr Aoi, what are you doing?' Mikayla looked up from her book, spinning her pen in her hand. Valt's notebook was in the teacher's hand, and from Mikayla's seat, she could see the sketches of the previous Rush Launch on the page.

       Valt had a guilty look on his face. 'I...uh...'

       First morning in a new classroom and Mikayla had to bear the teacher telling Valt off. Even though it wasn't meant for her, her mood was always ruined when someone was scolded. The class would be quiet, the mixed feelings of the rest, the anger of the teacher and the guilt of the student who had made the mistake. Not the best experience, no?


'Rush Launch! Its a win!'

      Valt was having the time of his life. He was so excited after the Rush Launch, he hadn't stopped thinking about it. The only thing on his mind was Rush Launch, Rush Launch, Rush Launch.

       Rush Launch.

      Toko sighed. 'Well, Valt sure is in a good mood today.'

      Mikayla leaned on the wall, cap covering her eyes as always. 'Very good mood.'

      'You have no idea,' said Valt, excited. 'I beat Honcho! No one's ever. Gonna. Forget it!'

      'Poor Honcho,' Mikayla told Nika and Toko. 'God knows if he'll be able to stand Valt.'

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