Chapter 1 : Let It Rip! Welcome To Beyblade!

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There was no sign of Valt, Nika or Toko Aoi anywhere in the academy halls. Mikayla looked around trying to find her nextdoor best friends, but they had disappeared from sight. Seriously, it had only been 5 minutes since she last saw them?! That was quick.

      Suddenly, her ears picked up a familiar voice. Valt's voice. And another belonging to someone she didn't know.

       What has he gotten himself into this time? Mikayla thought to herself, shaking her head. She quickened her pace to find out.

      After a while, she found a group of students surrounding to figures. And of course, Valt was one of them. The other, she recognized, was Rantaro Kiyama, and they were standing in front of a Beystadium. 

      Mikayla found Nika and Toko standing amongst other students. The only way to find out what was going on.

      She approached them. 'What's going on here? Don't tell me Valt's going to try his Blading skills on Rantaro.'

      The twins turned around. 'Well, that's what he's doing,' said Toko. 'And there's no stopping him,' Nika added.

      Of course there wasn't, he was too stubborn to listen. 6 years of living next to Valt Aoi would've taught anyone enough. Hearing loud noises from the other side? Rather normal for Mikayla. Having to put up with his attitude? She couldn't have cared less. 


      'Let it, RIP!!'

      Mikayla stood in the corner, not watching up close. She wasn't the very social type, and prefered to be alone. She took off the black cap with the Beyblade symbol she was wearing. She brushed back her lavender bangs, only for them to fall back to her left eye.

       Arms folded, she watched as Valtryek and Roktavor collided in the Beystadium.

      'GO FOR IT!!' Valt yelled, but Valtryek didn't last very long. It hit the side of the stadium and flew out, making it a win for Rantaro.

      'Roktavor, Ring Out Finish!' said one of them, whose name was Ichiro Kakitani. 'Uh, one point goes to Rantaro Kiyama. makes the score one to nothing.'

     Everyone was blank. Mikayla sighed. Trust Valt to make rash decisions and lose a battle like that. 

      'Its not over yet! Its just getting started!' said Valt confidently, pumped up.

      'But if he scores again, you're done for!' said Toko.

     'Valt, I don't think you should-' Mikayla began, but was cut off by an angry Valt. 

      'No chance! I'm gonna win this round, just you watch!'

      Mikayla shrugged. 'If you say so.'

      Valt was fuming, mad that he lost and that his twin siblings weren't very supportive. 

      'I don't think he's so sure about that,' said Nika. Toko sighed and Mikayla rolled her eyes. 

      'Second battle!'

      Mikayla watched as Valt and Rantaro took their places. She really hoped Valt wouldn't do something absolutely stupid as he always did, and worse, if he did it with his Bey. 


      'Let it, RIP!!!'

      Mikayla hopes were destroyed the second Valt launched his Bey. More accurately, flung his Bey.


       Valtryek soared through the air, over the crowd. Every puzzled voice was drowned by a shocked Valt's screaming.

Silent Flame (Beyblade Burst x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora