Chapter 2 : Let's Go! Valtryek!

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A red alarm clock went off at 5am. Mikayla, still half asleep, felt for it and turned it off. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up. Today was a very important day, for her, Valt and Bladers alike. Why? The Districts.

      In ten minutes, she was ready. She ate (just some bread, nothing much) quickly and started practising. The Beystadium near her house became her daily practise spot. The only problem was her gauntlets. They were old and could not protect her from any sort of injury. It tore easily, and she was careful not to let it happen.

      '3...2...1...Let it, RIP!!'

     Practise, practise, practise. No room for mistakes.

      She trained for hours. Launch, find faults, repeat. Launch, find faults, repeat. So far, all was well. She didn't make any serious mistakes and her Bey spun fine.

      For what seemed like the 50th time, she launched her Bey. But this time, luck didn't side her. Oh, no, her Bey had other things in mind.


      Her Bey was spinning out of control. It hit the sides, wavered and made unexpected moves. Finally, something very unexpected happened. Something that has never happened before.

      Her Bey hit the side, ricocheted and hit her right hand. And, like I just said, her gauntlets were of no use as they were worn out. 

      Mikayla stared at her hand. Now there was a long, deep cut that ran across her palm. And it was bleeding, badly.

      Being the opposite of Valt, Mikayla would try to hide every injury she gets, no matter how much it hurt. But this time, she was trouble. The searing pain and dripping blood was bad, and if she wasn't careful, she could injure herself further and maybe even lose the upcoming battle.

      She had never experienced such injury before. Mikayla began to worry. What if she lost because of this?

      The only thing she could do was shove the thought to the back of her mind. No, she couldn't let this stop her from winning. She just had to focus, that's all. 


That dude, Mika! The one you walked home with! White hair, red eyes, the scar? That's Shu!

      You're kidding.

      I'm not! Tell you what. Tomorrow, I'll prove it at school!

      Incase you were wondering about what happened, it never did. Valt never turned up the next day due to high fever. And the next. And the next. But, that's not where this ends. If he really is the famous Shu Kurenai, he would definitely compete in the Districts.

      'Hey, all you Bladers! WBBA (World Beyblade Battling Association) welcomes you to the District Tournament!'

      The Bladers had lined up to register. Mikayla was right behind a light-haired Blader, Wakiya Murasaki (Valt told her) who owned a bey called Wild Wyvron Vertical Orbit. 


     If you compared Mikayla with other Bladers based on how long she's been training, she would be considered an amateur. She's only been blading for 6 months. But here's the catch. Her bey is a very powerful kind and it isn't impossible for her to actually win despite lack of experience.

      It was her turn to register. She scanned her launcher and the photo was taken. 


      When she left, she realized her injury had left blood stains on her launcher. She quickly wiped it on her coat, thankful it was red. 

      'OW, I BIT MY TONGUE!'

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