Chapter1- ANYA

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Dont ever go in military or get involved with anyone associated with Mafia's,Miracle.

Why Papa?

They are bad people Baby so!
What are bad people Mama?

I ask eating my honey nut bread as Papa is helping mama in making dinner for Christmas week. Today is first day of week.

Say mama

She didn't say anything but hugged me.

Just remember you are our Miracle, and we really love you alot, we always will.

Love you too mama papa.
I say as papa sat me down on counter and wiped my lips.

My thoughts came to halt as I heard Maa say

"It's better if she stays away from that place, take the house away from those people, they will come for Annie just as they killed Emaline and Adam"

After listening to Maa and Paa words I instantly remembered what Mumma Papa said before dying. They were my ideal type. The ones who always supported me.

So what I thought was true, they were killed. The haunting sounds which I heard were gun shots.
They were gun shots.

Don't ever go to military Annie
Mom and Dad are sorry baby, we truly love you.
Merry Christmas Annie.
Merry Christmas Miracle.

And that's it they lost their breath and I was taken out by someone.
I remember that man, who saved me. I want to meet him and thank him personally. But it happened in streets of New York. He had something written in some weird language. And after searching for a long time, I got to know it was Japanese and I found out Animes then started watching them.
I have learnt Japanese too. My very first Anime Naruto, I can't get over it. So I usually speak Like the characters in them. Thats how I learnt so yeah. My signature word became like Naruto too. Dattebayo! You know! Believe it.

While Ariella always used the word Drag. She hasn't watched Naruto yet, I asked her to watch but she denied saying she would rather read her books. She is a bitch, she used to bully me after Sophi died or before I became friends with her due to Sof, she pushed me away threw water on me, threw soup on me but I somehow figured out it was her defense not to let anyone see her. She has a resting bitch face and I don't care look. But I feel bad for her. She is going through alot. I somehow broke through her bubble and now we are friends for life, we cause troubles together.

"Annie, did you pack your bags?"
My Cousin, my sister. She asked coming in and I nodded my head. I don't want to go there. I don't want to go to New york. But I will if I have to see who killed my parents. Soon after their death, many things changed in my life. One and a half year later my friend died too, I still feel scared if papa and Mumma aren't around, but I accepted it.
They said I should forget whatever happened in that streets but I couldn't. Since that time I always kept an eye on my surroundings.

Thinking about it feels like a stab to me.
"Tomorrow is last day of school you know"
I said taking my doll and the bracelet which is the last memory of her, closing my bag I turn to her and Lia said

"Yeah I remember"
She said laying on my bed and light is still on.

After the holidays were announced, everyone around me erupted in joy. However, I couldn't share in their excitement. Ariella glanced at me and made her way over, taking a seat beside me. Lia followed suit.

"So, you're really leaving?"
She asked as her blue eyes with hint of green looked at me for an answer, they were quite unpredictable, cant figure out if she is haply or not, sad or not.

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