The line moves, and we give one another the suggested seven feet before following, but I'm itching to catch up with Ridoc and walk beside him.

The path is rough and rocky under my boots and the smell of sulphur wafts through the air as a light breeze blows our way.

We pass a trio of red dragons first. Each a different shade of red.

"I can't even see their tails!" Tynan shouts from behind me. "How are we supposed to know what breed they are?"

I can see the dragons shift slightly at his comment.

"We're not supposed to know what breed they are," Violet responds.

"Fuck that,I need to figure out which one I'm going to approach during Threshing." He continues.

"Pretty sure this little walk is so they can decide." She retorts.

We see two brown dragons in the distance as we continue to walk.

"Those reds looked badass" I raise my voice a little, directing it at Ridoc a few feet in front of me.

"I'm pretty sure all dragons look badass," He snorts.

"Fair point, but I think the reds look especially badass," I respond.

"Of course you would,red like blood, you love blood shed." I can practically see him smiling even though he's face forwards.

"Hey! I do not like blood shed. I just think if someone says something stupid they deserve to get punched for it." I retort.

"Yeah, I do too, but I usually don't go through with it, you know, make more friends than enemies, keep your enemies close. Sayings like that keep me from dishing out punches like you do."

"I have you and Sawyer, also the girls. That's enough friends for me. Plus why keep an enemy close when that puts yourself and the people you love in danger." I quirk my brow.

"Aw, so you do love us," He laughs.

We pass by another set of reds, then a single brown and a pair of greens.

"Of course I do, otherwise I'd be 'dishing out' an endless amount of punches for you," I respond, quoting him. "Speaking off, do you think the dragons would punch me with fire if I got closer to you?"

"No I don't think they would, seeing as they haven't torched me for walking up to you two." Sawyer says, appearing from behind me. I hook my elbow through his and we make our way towards Ridoc.

"Look at us, just a throuple of idiots," Sawyer says as I hook my other arm with Ridoc's. "If one of us gets torched all of us die." he says with a more serious tone in his voice now.

"I would gladly get torched for you." I smile at him.

"Hey! What about me?" Ridoc pouts on my other side.

"Oh no, not for you, you're annoying as hell," I laugh in his face and shove him. He gives me this look pretending to be hurt and grasps his chest with his hand. "Only kidding, you know I would die before you got hurt." I say. A feeling of sadness washes over me just thinking of losing either of them. Losing my mother has left a bigger scar on my heart than I like to admit. I'm terrified to lose the people I love. I would do anything to keep them safe, even if it meant putting myself in the way of danger.

They look at each other as if they sense the change, they probably do.

"Hey don't get too excited, we're not leaving you alone anytime soon." Ridoc teases.

We walk in silence for the last bit of the path and turn at the end to wait for the others. We see a shimmer of gold as we turn to look for the others. There, standing in the distance is a shimmering gold dragon, the sun gleams on her scales as she cocks her head to curiously look at us.

Burning Promise I a fourth wing ffWhere stories live. Discover now