|That Shiny Smile|

Start from the beginning

Despite his reassurance so she would not worry, Blücher didn't fall for that, she crossed her arms and pouted pretending to be mad for the lack of concern coming from Y/N about his own sleeping schedule.

"Commander... I would never go against your word, you know how important you are to me, but you're clearly not doing great!" (Blücher)

It seems she can easily read through the Commander's thoughts and easily perceive how exhausted he is from working.

"Well... I mean, yes I have been working a lot lately, but that's just normal so-" (Y/N)

"That's obviously silly, your face tells me everything, you can't hide anything from me, heh~" (Blücher)

From one moment to another, Blücher returned to that happy attitude she had before grabbing the Commander's hand to start guiding him through the hallway.

"Uh... Blücher... Where are we going?" (Y/N)

"Let's go drink something together, you and I!" (Blücher)

"Right now? It's kinda late-" (Y/N)

The Commander wanted to just go straight into bed for tonight as he didn't seem to have much energy for anything, but it seemed that he would need to endure a bit more at least for Blücher who is at least trying to improve his mood.

"Yep, come on, hurry up!" (Blücher)

Despite her size and aspect, she had an abnormal strength and grip impossible to pull away from and as such, Y/N ended up giving up to follow her wherever she wanted to go.


|A few minutes later...|


Despite being so late already, there was one particular little shop open during the night.

Sometimes, a group of ships is assigned to patrol the surroundings of the base during late night to make sure there's no suspicious activity from the Sirens. Due to this, after they finish their task they are able to take a break in there.

This is where Blücher planned to carry along the Commander so they could both share a warm drink.

"Ta-da! I discovered this place when returning from a commission with my sisters, it's the best!" (Blücher)

"Huh.... I never saw this place before" (Y/N)

"Let's go in, come on!" (Blücher)

Blücher kept dragging the Commander by his hand right inside that place.

"Hey Dunkerque, I brought a special guest with me!" (Blücher)

At first glance, the place wasn't full as expected due to the current time, however, they were gently received by the ship from the Vichya Dominion.

"Ah, greetings to you both, I surely didn't think I would find you on this cold night, Commander" (Dunkerque)

"Dunkerque? Hey there, I didn't know you run this little place on your own?" (Y/N)

"Mmh, sort of, it's a great way to try doing something different once in a while and I get people to try my handmade sweets and such!" (Dunkerque)

'Rumours around the base says Dunkerque makes the best sweets, might as well check that myself' (Y/N's Thoughts)

"Dunkerque makes the best cookies out there, she truly has magic hands or something!" (Blücher)

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