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Hope POV:

I woke two days later feeling significantly better. As I opened my eyes I saw Legolas sitting in the corner stressing. "Hey." He snaps his head to me, "You've been asleep for two days, and all you have to say is hey?" He asks me angrily.

"Are you mad at me for being hurt, are you serious?" I asked him, my anger rising. "No I'm mad you for risking your life to save everyone. This is a war not everyone can be saved. Not even with all the magic you have." He said and left the room. I reached into my bag and grabbed my flask, drinking mindlessly, feeling my power replenishing with every drink.

As I finish, I clean myself up, change and rush to find Legolas. "Listen I'm sorry that I put myself at so much risk; but everything I did, was necessary for the Fellowship. I will admit that I was very reckless during the last battle, I had never used that much magic before. Saving Théoden took more magic than I had expected, I was already running low on magic. If I had drank blood before using magic on Théoden I would have been fine." I explained as I apologized.

"Hope I am not acquainted with your magic, I don't know how you feel when you use it. If you are feeling unwell I need to know so we can alter plans until we can make you better." Legolas said as he cupped my face. "I'm going to be better about feeding." I told him as I went to check on the others.

The fellowship could be found helping the people of Rohan out of the caves, resetting the horses. We made our way back to Rohan, Frodo kept trying to put the Ring on. I had the intensity increasing as his need to wear it intensified. I could feel Gollum trying to follow us, I put an invisibility charm on everyone for the duration back to Rohan. The constant magic wearing me down, I let Legolas know how drained I was feeling and when we rested I let him care for me. He kept my flask ready, I drank for about forty minutes on and off. Feeling more like myself we continued our journey.

As people returned their items in their homes, the Fellowship including Théoden, Éowyn and Éomer were discussing whether or not to warn Gondor of the threat of attack. Gandalf spoke of the Ring Wraiths waking up. I worried of a darker force at play, something that didn't happen in the books. All I knew was that I would be drinking much more blood than normal from here on in.

Théoden was bitter that Gondor didn't ride to Rohan's aid, "Listen up King Théoden, you don't get to be bitter that Gondor didn't come to help Rohan when you didn't call for aid. That is on you. Luckily our small group was smarter than you and made allies before leading your people into a trap." I yelled at him. Théoden stood tall, acting like I didn't speak at all. I turned to my group including Éomer and Éowyn, "Would you agree that pride can be blinding?" When I received only agreement I resorted to a last option.

"King Théoden, you are no longer fit to lead your people. Your pride is dangerous, you will step down and leave your title to Éomer." I compelled and then turned to compel Éomer, "Do not let pride or emotion over rule logic on what is best for your people. When people call for aid, honor demands that you help them." I stopped my compulsion and left the Fellowship to deal with the fallout.

1 day later

I was prepping my pony when Gandalf approached me. "And where are you setting off to?" He asks. "I'm not leaving anyone behind, I just want to be prepared to leave fast if I have to. We cannot have Rohan ride to Gondor, the Steward might see it as a threat as they have not called for aid. I want to take some members of the fellowship with me to persuade the Steward to step down." I explained.

"I predict that Boromir will be a problem, as he was in Rivendell. I will stay here to consult the new King, and call the bannermen. We have more time than I thought we would." Gandalf said.

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