Helms Deep

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Hope POV:

"How did your father get his facial injury?" I asked Legolas. "Before the dwarves made their journey to Erebor, before Smaug had claimed Erebor; he sought the jewels of Mirkwood and burnt the forest when he found nothing. My father was part of the first group to try to fight the dragon but he was caught in the flames. He was pulled from the fire barely in time. Queen Galadriel had to come and heal him to the best of her abilities. Ever since that moment he's been a most bitter leader." He replied with sadness in his voice.

"Perhaps I could help with his face, a little blood and magic can do a world of difference." I replied. "Who knows perhaps with your help and your fathers we could see about bringing your mother back." I said to him. "Really? Could it be done?" He asked hopefully.

"Did you miss the moment where my mom and I brought my father back to life from another world?" I asked with humor in my voice.

I could hear Arwen consoling Gimli and Aragorn, thinking that they'd lost Legolas, not knowing my fate either. I told Legolas to stay quiet and we approached silently. I leaned on Gimli's shoulder, "What are we doing here?" Legolas asked and we saw the group start to perk up.

Aragorn jumped from his spot and wrapped Legolas in a hug. "How did you survive the fall?" Aragorn asked him. "I didn't." He said as he looked down. Aragorn looked confused before Legolas eyes flashed blood red with veins. Aragorn nodded his understanding.

"His transition started on the way here from the fall. Fell right off his horse." I said "Fell off his horse you say? Not very agile and elf like is it Princeling?" Gimli joked with Legolas.

As King Théoden was prepping his people for war I told him that it was better to have women fighting as well, we can't fight evil itself with only half the population. In the end Lady Arwen and Éowyn continued to prove my point arguing on my behalf while I went off to enchant weapons with precision and to give energy.

Before nightfall the people were eating, gathering strength when two sets of Elvish horns were heard. Elves of Mirkwood and Lothlórien were led by Haldir and King Thranduil. Aragorn bowed to the men and then embraced Haldir. Legolas, and I bowed to his father.

"King Thranduil, I am Princess Hope of Lothlórien, the lost Princess has returned. I seek to help you. If you would follow me and Prince Legolas, we have much to discuss." I told him walking away slowly with Legolas.

We walked into an empty war room and Legolas explained how I saved his life and how my magic works. "This is Dark Magic you speak of. Why would I risk that?" The Elven King said angrily. "You will watch your tone father. This is my soulmate. She wouldn't suggest Dark Magic." Legolas said as he got in his father's face. "Legolas be calm, I understand his hesitancy. This would require a lot of Light Magic actually. I see that you carry your Queen's ashes with you around your neck. If I use that and a bit of Legolas blood, I could bring your beloved back. Now for your face..." I trailed off as I bit my wrist and bled into a cup. I passed it to the King and he looked from the cup to me like he didn't know what to do with it.

"Drink it, it will help. " Legolas told him. As Thranduil finished the contents of the cup the illusion fell as the vampire blood started to cause the muscle to regenerate, the eye that was once blind could now see. The skin growing back was probably the most painful part, based off the yells coming from the King. When the pain eased, I produced a mirror for him to see his face, illusion free.

The King was too stunned to speak as he started openly weeping. He took the necklace that bore his wife's ashes passed it to Legolas. I had him pour the ashes into a small circle and had him bleed over the ashes. I linked hands with Legolas to have a channel, and started chanting "Phasmotos ravaros un animum" over and over until a bright beam of light stopped me. When the light dissipated, a beautiful blonde woman in Silver Armor stood guarded ready to pounce on an invisible enemy.

King Thranduil spoke first, "Delphine, it's Thranduil and Legolas, you are back with us. We are in Helms Deep." As she recognized her family she dropped her weapons and smacked Thranduil across the face. "It took you this long to bring me back? We will have words later husband. As glad as I am to be back, I know how you have treated the world as of late. You will have an attitude adjustment or so help me you will know a woman's rage." She said as she glared her husband down.

Legolas and I were gawking in the corner. Neither of us expected that rage would be her first emotion after seeing her husband. "Mother." Legolas said. Delphine turned to look our way, as she spotted Legolas she ran to him and held him like she would never get the chance to again. "My darling son, I've missed you so much. I wish we had more time to spend together but we must prepare for war." I left Legolas to join his mother, I was going to speak to his father.

"My King, what your wife spoke of was true. You abandoned a society when they needed you because you were afraid. Now is the time for bravery. I healed you, I gave you your wife back, what I want in return is for you to act like a King. When you are called for aid, you respond. That is your duty. We aren't just fighting men, we are fighting evil, do you understand that?"
I ask him with rage in my voice.

I left the room, leaving him to ponder my words. I made Delphine a mithril shirt and shorts set. I could see Gimli pacing the walls trying to find the best place to be for the fight. Along the top of the front wall I raised the stone about a foot and a half.

"I don't understand how there can still be so many Orcs, we took Isengard, the Ents slaughtered the orcs, Saruman never had the chance to call upon men." I told Aragorn and Legolas as we watched the Orcs approach.

As it started to rain, I used magic to call for thunder and lightning. As it started brewing in the sky, an arrow was shot by my face cutting my cheek as it passed. As Legolas watched it heal he turned, enraged that I had been injured and at vampire speed shot Orcs in rapid succession.

At the rate he was going I enchanted his quiver to never run out of arrows. Haldir and Thranduil were shouting orders to their bowmen, as the arrows were mid arch, I had lightning strike the arrows and watched as large groups of Orcs dropped dead from both arrows and electricity.

I could smell the sulfur bomb approaching the wall; I jumped over the wall into the center of battle sword held above me in my descent glowing white with Elvish magic. As I landed I brought the sword down and lightning rippled around me like a wave. The bomb carrier never made it to the wall, the lightning wave had cut down much of the Orc army. I used my magic to blow up the bomb away from the wall, aiming for the center of the Orc force.

4 hours later

Everyone was bloody and bruised, Théoden most of all. He had been stabbed by a corroded spear, suffering both from injury and illness now. It did not seem like he would make it to Gondor. As easy as it would be to give him blood, we don't need another Vampire King in this world. I used traditional magic to heal him, as I finished I started bleeding from the ears and nose.

"Princess you seem most unwell, you are bleeding." Théoden said as he stood up. I stumbled, feeling my heart beating in my ears, eyes, and extremities. Théoden grabbed me under my arms as I was about to faint and I could faintly hear him yelling for help.

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