Chapter 28

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Luke's POV

I sit beside her hospital bed holding onto her hand hand tightly.

"Alexis you can't leave me. We have Hunter. I can't live without you I can't breathe without you your my everything my world. I need you Alexis. Please. Please stay." I cry harder and kiss her hand. I wipe off my tears from my cheeks the ones that haven't fell and then I stand up, I walk away from the side of the bed and stare out the fairly large window. I take my phone out of my pocket and look at my contacts scrolling through them until I reach her mother, I debate weather to call or not, I don't want to be rude but they need to know what's up. I click it before stopping myself and before I know it its ringing, it rings a few times before finally picking up.

"Hello?" I hear a very tired momma

"Mom.. Alexis.. She got raped." I try to say but it probably sounds like a blur to her.

"Luke calm down what's going on?" She asks. I hold the phone away from me and breathe deeply, I calm myself down again and hold the phone back to my ear.

"Alexis got raped." I say voice cracking.

"What? No. Where are you?" She starts to panic

"Where at a hospital in the U.K." I say rubbing my eyes trying not to cry again.

"Please just keep me updated I'll try to get there as fast as I can." She sighs.

"O-ok I w-will." I say starting to panic again

"Goodbye Luke." He says.

"Goodbye." I say before hanging up. I walk back over to her and take a seat beside her again. I take her hand into mine again.

"Pull through this please. I need you to." I tell her quietly and squeeze her hand gently.


I watch all night as nurses rush in checking on her, they leave, doctors come in, leave, Phil and Dan check on me every once and a while and then leave. But I haven't left at all. I've sat here holding her hand. Making sure she doesn't give up on me. I watch my phone closely just in case her mother, father or Amelia calls. But nobody does. As I watch the hours go by from 1:30 am which is when we got here to 6:45 am which is the time it is now. I haven't slept one bit.

"Luke.." Dan peaks his head in. I look up at him red puffy eyes from crying, huge dark circles around my eyes and my nose all red from blowing it so much.

"Go get a coffee and use the bathroom I'll stay here with her.." Dan says walking in and closing the door behind him. I shake my head and look at Alexis.

"Luke it'll take you at most 10 minutes. She won't leave in that 10 minutes." Dan says as he takes a seat beside me.

"A lot can happen in 10 minutes." I mumble as I rub her hand gently with my thumb.

"Luke I promise I won't leave her side." He says

"Okay.. Thank you.." I say as I stand up slowly letting go of her hand.

"Anytime." He smiles small at me and I just stare at him and then walk over to the door opening it and then walking out. I get into the elevator and press the main floor button and then I sit in the corner of the elevator pulling my knees up to my chest and cry feeling the tears stream down my face onto my shirt and pants.

"Please God don't take her away from me you can't take her away from me." I say shakily and put my head into my knees.

"I'll never forgive myself." I say.

The elevator door opens and I stand up and walk out of the elevator. I look around and see Phil and Hunter asleep in the waiting room along with ... Sam? I walk over to Sam and stand in front of him, he apparently is awake unlike I thought because he looks up at me and then stands up.

"What do you think your doing here Sam." I clutch my jaw and fists.

"Just wanna make sure my girls alright." He smirks.

"She is not your girl if I didn't know better I'd think YOU did this." I say pushing him. He pushes me back and then I look out the glass window to see a bunch of paparazzi with camera's

"Fuck you." I say pushing him once more and then walking into the mini bakery café they have. I order myself a coffee and wait for it to be made.

"Luke korns?" A girl in a wheel chair behind me asks. I look at her

"Yes that's me." I say.

"I'm such a huge fan, you've made me want to keep living, I have cancer and your YouTube videos make me smile everyday." She says.

"Thank you so much." I smile no matter how hurt I feel right now I can't believe I can make somebody's day, who has cancer, better.

"Do you think we could get a pic?" She asks.

"I'm not going to lie I look like crap but of course." I bend down to her and her mom takes a photo of us.

"Is Alexis okay? I don't see her around and the media says shes the reason your here.." She starts

"She'll be fine." I lie. I don't know if she will or if she won't.

"I sure hope so she's my role model." She says with tears in her eyes, I hug the girl loosely and she hugs me back and then they call my name for the coffee.

"Well that's my order but what's your Instagram?" I ask and she writes it down for me on my arm.

"I'll make sure and follow when I have the chance." I promise her and she thanks me, I take my coffee and then pay for it and then walk back to the elevator. I get in and press the floor button that she's on and then I sip my coffee slowly, I take out my phone and go onto Instagram and look up the girls profile, I find it and make sure and follow it, then I walk out of the elevator and into Alexis room.

"Is she okay?" I sit down beside Dan.

"Perfect." Dan tries to lighten the mood.

"Thank you Man." I say

"Anytime mate." He pats my back and then exits the room. I take her hand into mine again and slowly drink my coffee.

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