Obey me and only me

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Hold up‼️

Before we hop on to the story I just wanna say thank you for supporting me and also thank you for making this stories to reach 1.07k views! I ams sorry for on hiatus without telling but now I am back. now let's get started!


The servant was just talking near by the bridge that is full of koi fish, they seem gossiping about something.

"Did you know General Nan Yang is very jealous whenever someone get close to his concubine?" The other servant said.

"I know, but he is such an amazing gentleman and loving man I am jealous on how loving and hating General Nan Yang was with his concubine." Another servant said.

Meanwhile.. (¬_¬)

A lot crashing sound happened in the bedroom and shouting..

"SON OF A BITCH GO AWAY!" Mu Qing shouts.

"MU QING LISTEN-" Feng Xin got cut off by Mu Qing.

"No! because of you I'm left with hickey!" Mu Qing sobs.

"Well what do you expect you are my finest concubine." Feng Xin smirks, until Mu Qing goes on tantrum and throws a pillow at Feng Xin.

"It hurt Nan Yang! my back, my leg and my whole body is hurt from that rough ride!" Mu Qing cover himself with a blanket while crying and blushing really hard. Feng Xin chuckled softly.

"Now now you're acting like a cute angry cat.." Feng Xin kissed Mu Qing cheeks, making Mu Qing cheeks goes red.

"Xin-ergege stop it!" Mu Qing grumbles as he burried his face on to Feng Xin's chest.

Later, in some Emperor's banquet. they were talking and feasting tonight. until Jun Wu as the main emperor ask all of them one by one.

"So have any of you anything interesting going on for the accomplish for tonight?" Jun Wu asked while sipping his glass.

"Well there's actually a bigger comossion later." Pei Ming said, as he sips his glass.

"Really and what might that be, Emperor Ming Guang?" Jun Wu nods in approval.

Meanwhile Feng Xin sat there and quiet wondering if he is very basic for having one male concubine. he do loves Mu Qing, but he wanted to married him, but Mu Qing was his only concubine. He try to think of something else until someone calls out.

"Nang Yang." Jun Wu said it out loud. Making Feng Xin snaps to reality.

"Y-yes your majesty?!" Feng Xin said it with a quick and heavy panting. As Jun Wu sigh and shake his head for dissproval.

"I think you had too much wine, go ahead and wash it off with water." Jun Wu said it with nonchalant voice. Fneg Xin immaditely gets up and leaves the dining area for a moment.

After the banquet..

Feng Xin goes back to his palace with many guards, Until. one of his servant came and quickly tells what happened to Mu Qing earlier. Making Feng Xin's eyes widen in anger.


In the chamber. Mu Qing sat in the bed, after almost being r4p3(Don't cancel me pls). Until he hears he hears a scream as he saw outside his eyes widen in shock. The man that try to touch Mu Qing, got his head on guillotin and cut off. Mu Qing couldn't believe Feng Xin would be this aggresive. Mu Qing punch the mirror and grabs the glass shards and pointed towards the door, Mu Qing try to defend himself from Feng Xin.


As many minutes of waiting there was a stepping thud sound coming to the chamber. Mu Qing swallowed his throats preparing himself what wi happaned. The door open slowly making a low door creak. it was Feng Xin. he saw Mu Qing pointing glass shards at Feng Xin. Feng Xin smirks.

"What are you doing Nyan-qing~?" Feng Xin said it in jokingly tones. Mu Qing shook his head.

"Stay away from me! I-I..." Mu Qing trembles and couldn'tn find the right word to say. All he can do is shaking in anger in fear. Feng Xin grabs Mu Qing's wrist and throw awya the glass the shards out of the window. Feng xin pulled Mu Qing closer and held him by the waist.

"H-hn..." Mu Qing try to push away Feng Xin. But Feng Xin start kissing him passionately.

They kept kissing for like a minutes. Their tounge kept dancing together. Until Feng Xin's tounge start going deeper to Mu Qing's throats, making Mu Qing gagged and muffled moaning.

Feng Xin roughly break the kiss leaving a trails of saliva. Feng Xin push Mu Qing on the floor.

"Nobody can touch your body only I can,  If they do, I'll cut off their head aswell their dicks. only you will submit to me... Xuan Zhen..." Feng Xin said it with manace tone. As Mu Qing stared at him with lots of mix emotions...




"S-Slow dow-down!"



His majesty male concubine (FengQing) DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora