IV: Dragonstone

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Visenya (King's Landing)

In the early hours of the morning Visenya sat wide awake on her bed listening to her mother. This was in some sense an anomalous farewell of sorts. In her own way this was how her mother bid her daughter goodbye for her upcoming journey to Dragonstone. 

"I have spoken to your grandfather, and we have decided that it is best to make use of this opportunity." her mother spoke yet Visenya could hear the detachment in her voice. Whenever her mother spoke of Otto Hightower there was a tone of resignation and bitterness that laced her words. She spoke as though he was no father at all, but rather a higher authority to be obeyed. 

"Opportunity?" Visenya asked regretting her cavalier tone. 

Her mother's eyes narrowed onto hers "Visenya." was all she said but it was enough. Visenya hung her head once more in deference. Her mother sighed "I envy you my sweet. You are still young and do not understand the cruelties this life has to offer." she began. 

"We have discussed this before, if Rhaenyra is allowed to ascend the throne all our lives will be forfeit. She would not allow my trueborn children to remain as threats to her bastards. We must then stop her.".

Visenya held back a gag, her mother now openly talked of treason. "We would be remembered as traitors and usurpers mother. We would have to harm our own kin, the Gods would have their vengeance.". 

Alicent gave her daughter a sad smile "My darling, for years it has been tradition that the eldest male child be named heir. It is a precedent set by your great grandfather King Jaehaerys. If anything it is Aegon's birthright that is being stolen from him.". 

Visenya simply nodded, it was pointless to argue with her mother over this even though she most certainly did not agree. When Rhaenyra becomes Queen it'd be a good thing for women in the Realm. Besides traditions can always change, her father had proved that by naming a woman heir. 

"What is it that you wish for me to do mother?" she asked finally, wanting this conversation to cease. 

"Rhaenyra will not suspect anything of you, neither will her daughter for that matter. You must spy on them Visenya. Watch whom they ally themselves with and who they are against. Rhaenyra's foes are our allies and we must know the extent of her influence over the Realm. You will write to me when you have something to report, you must be careful that they do not suspect anything. Do not write of note in your first letter should they read it, and do not speak a word of this to anyone. Not even Aelora.". 

At that Visenya gasped, her eyes wide in mortification. How could her mother ask this of her? This was treasonous and sinful beyond anything. 

"Mother! What are you asking? I will not betray Aelora, please do not make me do this." she said desperately. Yet it fell on deaf ears, her mother had already made up her mind and seemed to grow angrier the more Visenya protested. 

"Visenya you must do this!" her mother said her tone becoming less kind than before "This is the duty you must carry out to protect our family. You will spy for us.". This was no longer her mother, this was the Queen commanding her subject. 

"No." Visenya said firmly, summoning every bit or resolve she held "This is treason mother, I will have no part in thi-". 

Before she could finish her sentence her mother's hand came down to grip her jaw, Visenya yelped as her mother's fingers tightened around her small face pulling her aggressively close "You will spy Visenya. YOU MUST. LISTEN TO ME VISENYA, YOU MUST SPY ON THEM VISENYA!". 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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