II : Pride and Joy

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Rhaena (Pentos)

"Rhaena! Come inside dear it's far too chilly" her mother called. Rhaena turned from her position on the bricked roof of their manse in Pentos looking back at her mother. 

"Allow me another moment mother please!" she pleaded. Sunset was the best time for working on her sketches. As the sun meandered down towards the horizon, the appeared aflame. Brilliant shades of pink and orange illuminated the Free City. Rhaena smiled soaking it all in. 

Her mother laughed and came up next to her. Groaning slightly as she sat down. Rhaena's attention snapped back to her. 

"On second thought, I'll come back inside mother. You shouldn't be out here in your condition." she said concerningly. Her mother only smiled at her "I am well Rhaena, you needn't worry" she said stroking her daughter's mane of curly hair affectionately. 

Rhaena smiled back at her. She knew their mother had been having a difficult pregnancy, the last thing she wanted was to put her in any more discomfort. She still had another three months left till the babe was due. 

"Now, she me what you've been working on". Rhaena grinned at that. Ever since childhood she'd loved art. It was everything to her. When they first came to Pentos, the Prince of the city had given Rhaena numerous gifts. Most of them being brushes, rare paint colors and ink, tons of ink. 

"This..." she began "I thought of capturing the view on dragon back, but that's not possible obviously" she sighed. She tried not thinking of the lack of a dragon. Her father, mother and twin all had one. Rhaena was the only one who did not. It bothered her more than she cared to admit. 

Her mother put an arm around her shoulder drawing her in closer. "You are always welcome to ride behind your father or me. I cannot take you till the babe arrived but your father would love too.". 

She nodded at her mother's words. Of course her father would take her, but Rhaena wanted a dragon that was hers and hers alone. Though she did not say it out loud. "One day I'll have a dragon of my own. And I'll make you proud mother I swear". 

Laena Velaryon leaned down and kissed her daughter's hair, gently caressing her curls. "You make me proud every day sweet girl. Having a dragon is well and good but it does not define who you are. You are a good girl, never change.". 

Rhaena nodded eagerly kissing her mother's cheek casting her eyes back upon her page. She looked at her landscape and wondered what colors she might use after. Perhaps she'd ask Baela. All the while her mother sat beside her enjoying this precious moment of peace with her daughter. Neither knowing the cruelties fate had in store for them. 

The Stranger gave a dark laugh, in the blazing sky above Pentos if one looked up into the sky they might have seen the glint of his scythe. Ready and waiting. 

Rhaenyra (King's Landing)

Rhaenyra Targaryen sat at her desk in her chambers, absent-mindedly flicking through Small Council reports. She'd taken her notes and read each document carefully, ensuring not to miss a single word of import. 

So lost in her work, she didn't notice her daughter come in and sit by her bed. 

"Mother" Aelora called softly. She snapped out of her reverie, gracing a smile across her face for her Aelora's sake. 

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