034. ━ catherine avery

Start from the beginning

"Or they ruin your whole life," Jackson said. "She's toxic. She's a meddler. My mom has no boundaries. Be warned."

Ellie stared at him. "Do you feel better getting that all off your chest?"

"Hey, is that why you shipped Lexie out of state?" Alex asked him, his eyes still closed.

"What?" Cristina turned around in her seat to look at him. "Oh. You shipped Lexie—wow. Who hides his girlfriend under a rock while his mom comes into town?"

"Someone who's got a hypercritical surgeon for a mom," Meredith answered.

Ellie shrugged. "Or a brother," she muttered under her breath as her eyes flickered to Mark and Derek. "Two, actually."

"Is your mom ambidextrous?" Cristina asked. "I bet you she is. All the best surgeons are."

"Wait a second," Jackson said suddenly, frowning at his two friends. "How—How often are you two talking to my mom?"

Ellie pressed her lips together. "Um—"


"We're Facebook friends," she said, clearing her throat. "She usually texts me about... once a week." He raised his eyebrows. "She's told me a lot of stories about little Jackson."

"Oh, God."

She sighed and rubbed his shoulder in comfort. "Just take a breath, Jackie. You're gonna be fine."

"Wake up, everybody!" Ellie jumped at the sudden voice and looked up to see Catherine Avery walking onto the stage. "I know, I know, it's grand rounds, and now we have to sit and listen to somebody talk about how somebody did something and here's how they did it, and there's not enough coffee in Brazil for this."

Ellie chuckled lightly to herself and Jackson looked at her. "She is funny," she said in defense and he shrugged.

"Well, not today," Catherine continued. "Today, we are going to do. Today, I am going to change a life and maybe make medical history, too. And I can't do it alone, so who wants to step into the future with me?"


Ellie looked at the redhead beside her who was the lone voice in the silent auditorium. She looked around and sank in her seat, becoming red in the face. Ellie patted her on the head, stifling a chuckle.

"Okay." Catherine nodded. "That's—That's alright. That's a start. Let's see if I can get a few more. Ryan, honey, would you come out here, please?" A young walked out and Ellie glanced at Jackson. "Everybody, this is Ryan."


"Ryan, could you show everybody what we're here to do today?" He removed his robe and Ellie's eyes went wide at the sight while Jackson looked disgusted. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to invite a few very lucky residents to scrub in on this country's first... penis transplant."


"THANKS TO A case of penile cancer, Ryan underwent a full penectomy eleven months ago," Catherine explained to the doctors, looking around the auditorium. "Good margins left him basically cured and cancer-free—" She turned and gave Ryan a high-five. "—so that's gone. And today, we'll be replacing the other thing Ryan lost. A suitable donor has become available here at Seattle Grace Mercy West, and Ryan generously agreed to fly out and make this day a teaching opportunity. Who wants in or not?" Nearly all of the residents'—not Jackson's—hands went up and Catherine smiled with a nod. "Hello! That's more like it."

Mark cleared his throat loudly and stood up making Ellie sigh. "Oh, boy..."

"Uh, Mark Sloan, plastics."

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