Ch. 1: The Entrance Exam

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A few small notes before the story begins: The art used is my own. Also, this won't strictly follow the canon storyline, allowing for changes in the plot to happen. The main character is my personal OC, so I hope you'll enjoy them! :)

Also I noticed that in my few works, Aizawa keeps becoming an important character, which makes sense since he is my favorite character, but I feel bad for some reason.

I'll begin now, sorry for wasting your time!


"And now... are you READY?!" The man with tall, blonde hair held a hand to his ear, expecting a response from the crowd. There was complete silence silence. One kid in particular felt bad, and let out a soft-spoken cheer, which was backed up by a much louder cheer.

Yoru looked back, seeing their supporter. It was a girl with sharp silver eyes, blonde hair tied up into a bun, and an outfit that looked like it had been carefully picked. For some reason, the girl made her nervous, but Yoru just assumed that they were nervous because this was the entrance exam.

The excitable (and slightly hyperactive) man with the small mustache and tall hair went on to explain the rules. Robots, yes... a point system... easy enough... time limit-

"Sir! Pardon my interruption!" A boy with blue hair and glasses stood up, his intense eyes very intimidating. He was holding one of the handouts. "The handout given has four different types of robots! Meanwhile you have only listed three! If this is an error on official school documents, this will be largely looked down on!"

Present Mic's smile seemed strained for the briefest of moments. "Aha! Thanks for your request, little listener. You are... correct, there is a fourth kind of robot, but it gives 0 points and it is, uh, just smarter to stay away from it!"

"Thank you for clarification, sir!" The intense-eyed individual said, starting to sit down but stopping. "Also! You in the back, with the unruly hair! Stop muttering, you're becoming a distraction!"

All eyes turned to a kid with messy green hair and freckles, who shrunk in his seat. Yoru felt... bad for him. Bad for eyes on him. "Hey, that was uncalled for." They piped up. The blue-haired boy suddenly turned towards them, causing the heart in their chest to nearly stop for a moment.

"Uncalled for?" He asked, although it seemed more like an accusation than a question.

"Uh, yeah... everyone has different ways of processing information, and muttering seems to help him, so he should get a fair shot, too, right?" Yoru hesitated, then decided to turn the tables on him. "Or do you think he should act like your definition of 'normal'?"

The kid was stunned for a moment, which was more than Yoru could have hoped for since they were just coming up with whatever they could to say.

"Apologies for my ignorance!" The boy said quickly, promptly taking his seat.

Yoru sighed in relief, fading from relevance comfortably. They leaned back in their seat, doing a short breathing exercise.

"Uh, now that we've gotten all... that cleared up, time for the actual exam itself!" Present Mic announced, his characteristic crazy eyebrows raised.

Everyone first did the written portion, which was unnervingly quiet. Well, quiet except for when the same blue-haired boy started scolding a kid for cheating. He seemed to take it upon himself to be the "authority figure" in every situation. Possibly a way to cope for a recent loss of control, Yoru guessed. Or maybe he just had a strong sense of personal justice. But Yoru was definitely no psychologist.

Everyone was split up into groups, the different groups going into different areas. Yoru assumed that they had some reason for splitting everyone up, but didn't think much of it.

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