Chapter 17

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Hello all! Hope you enjoy!


When I pulled up to the front of my mom's house, I could see why her neighbor had called me.

Two black sedans sat in her driveway, and a black van was parked on the curb. There were lights on in the house, and my mom's small Honda Civic was blocked in the driveway. I almost skidded to a stop near her driveway, Viper pressing into my back, and we swung our legs down in unison. I held the bike still while she got off, kicked the stand down, then I lifted my leg back over the bike.

I roughly removed my helmet and reach for my glock in the back of my jeans. Viper's hand behind me stopped me from taking it out.

"Let me go first. I'll try and get some good looks from the windows, see if we can find out what's happening. You keep an eye on the door," she ordered. I swallowed and left my hand on my gun, but stayed where I was.

Viper ducked and dashed off around the house, in between the neighbors' houses and through to the backyard. She wasn't even gone a full minute before she was jogging back.

"He's got the place surrounded with suits. All entrances and exits. I couldn't get a look," Viper said and swore as she reached for her own gun. Before we walked into my mom's house, guns blazing, I reached for my phone and called her for the fifth time.

It rang only twice before it was declined. I clenched my jaw and stared at the front door, waiting for a gap in the security to burst through. Sure enough, a minute later, only one man stood in front of the door instead of three.

Two were walking towards their posts at the door, but they were out of view, and the guy currently posted at the door looked new. Really new. I darted forward, thankful the grass kept my footsteps quiet until I could reach the guard and put him in a headlock. He squirmed for a few seconds before Viper reached him.

She pinched some kind of pressure point on his neck and he slumped in my arms without a fight. I didn't waste any time tossing him onto the porch and darting inside. Two people were sitting at the kitchen table. Only one of them jumped at the sound of my entrance.

My mom held her hand over her heart, glancing at me with fear before looking back at the man in front of her. The man that hadn't moved, even when I smashed through the front door. A second later, the men in suits swarmed behind Viper and I, but without a word, the man waved them off.

They stepped out the front door and shut it softly behind them. The only sound that filtered through the room was the sound of my heavy breathing. I stormed in front of my mother, blocking the man's view and clenched my fists. Behind me, Viper found my mother and rested a hand on her shoulder, checking in on her.

So help me God, I would not be able to help myself if a single hair on her goddamn head was hurt.

When the man in front of me glanced up, my face twisted in confusion. What the fuck was Senator Andrew Powell doing in my goddamn house? Viper stepped up to my left side, giving me a subtle nod to indicate that my mother was alright.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I demanded, tightening my fists. Just because he was a Senator didn't mean I had to mince my words.

Powell just chuckled and leaned back in his chair, tapping a finger on the kitchen table.

"I see that I was right, Lucinda," he spoke without leaning around me to look at my mother. Mom sniffled behind me, and Viper shifted her stance.

"Explain what the fuck you're doing here," I demanded again. Powell sat forward this time, indicating the seats on either side of the table. I didn't waver.

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