I weaved through the crowds, stopping to marvel at some of the shops before continuing to romp through the city. I finally came across a cool looking bar. A grin broke out across my face. Oh yeah.

I looked behind me and realized I might have lost the guys. Eh, they'll find me eventually. I shrugged and made my way inside, B-lining it for the counter.

"Can I help you?" The gruff bartender said.

"Hmmm." I grinned. "You got any rum?"

"Here you go." He said, sliding a glass my way.

It had been a while since I had some good rum. The sake that Zoro always had on hand was so amazingly good, but there was nothing like just a bit of rum once in a while.

"Whatcha havin?"

I glanced over to see a large man. He towered over me, and his shirt hung open, showing off his muscles. Sorry buddy, I get plenty of eye candy already. I have no need for more. I scoffed and took a sip of my rum, making him laugh and sit down on the bar stool next to me.

"You seem spunky! I like it."

"Yeah yeah. Sure you do." I said, rolling my eyes.

The guy wreaked of booze, and not in the good way like Zoro. It was like he was sweating the stuff. He leaned down and kept talking, making me scoot away a little.

"I would love to get to know you a little better." He said, resting his hand on my thigh.

Ohhhhh! Ick! I scrunched my nose and swigged the rest of my rum. My eyes bore into this man as I leaned further away from him, pinching the top of his hand.

"Sorry man, even if you took a few showers, I wouldn't even give you the time of day."


"Where the Hell did she go?" Luffy said, looking around.

"Hell if I know." Zoro said, scratching his head.

"Why the Hell would she run off like that?" Luffy whined.

"What are you talking about?! She learned from your example!" Zoro laughed.

"Yeah, well you're no better. Get lost lately?" Luffy said, rolling his eyes.

"Oi!" Zoro growled before laughing. "If she is taking from my example, she'll be looking for a bar." He joked.

Luffy's eyes got wide in realization and he pointed "Heyyy, you mean like that bar?"

They looked at each other and laughed, walking into the bar. When they got in there, they noticed Misaki sitting at the bar, leaning away from a large man, who was obviously being a little to friendly.

"What the Hell?" Luffy muttered, throwing his hands behind his head and raising an eyebrow.

The guy rested his hand on her thigh and Zoro immediately grabbed the hilt of his sword. "Do you want me to cut him?" He growled — his blood boiling with rage.

Luffy laughed. "Don't worry, I have a feeling she can handle this herself."

Deja vu struck as he watched her pinch the top of the man's hand as she recoiled from him. It made him think of her mother.

"EXCUSE ME?!" The man yelled, standing up so fast, he knocked over his bar stool.

Luffy smirked as he watched the wiley grin poke at the edges of her mouth. She said something — most likely some kind of veiled comment about the guy having a small dick — and the man took a step back, clenching his fist as he shook with rage.

"Captain..." Zoro warned. "I think we have to step in."

Something flashed in Luffy's eyes. A glimpse of what was about to come. He grinned and glanced at Zoro. "Not yet."

The man flicked his hand back, lacing his hand in haki, and lunged forward with a brutal punch. In an instant, Misaki was gone. She flit behind him and hooked her foot in front of his, smacking him on top of the back and throwing him down to the ground. The man face planted, a large boom ringing out as he hit the floor. The entire bar fell silent as Misaki laughed at the man.

"Damn, sir. How's it feel to eat shit?"

Ok Misaki, don't rub it in. Zoro waited with baited breath, wondering how Misaki got so fast. Luffy laughed and smacked Zoro on the back, making him grunt.

"Damn, M'! That was awesome!" He laughed.

Misaki blinked and looked at them. A smile broke out across her face, making Luffy swoon.

"Oh, so you saw that, huh?" She giggled. The man started standing up and Misaki's grin got wider. "Stay out of this, guys." Her eyes narrowed. "I got this."


Man, what a rush. It was one thing to have a tongue of fire, that could rile any man. But it was another thing to be able to one up the guy right afterwards. Thanks, Kid. You have no idea how much you helped. I felt so much more comfortable and strong. Capable. I felt like, for once, I could handle myself and not need help.

The man stood up and sneered at me, making my heart jump in excitement. Come at me, dude.

  "What the Hell is your problem, woman?"

  "It's Misaki." I grinned.

   "Someone oughta teach you some manners." He said, cracking his knuckles.

   "Someone oughta teach you not to touch a girl who clearly doesn't want it."

   The man stepped forward, trying to punch me, I moved out of the way, as if he were going in slow motion. Fist after fist, dodge after dodge. I danced around him, like I was grace itself.

    I couldn't believe it. One day of going all out against Kid and I was a different person. For so long, I had been dealing with fisticuffs. My friends trying to help me train, but holding back. They didn't want to hurt me, but what they didn't realize is that it was stunting me. I had hit a plateau in my training, that is until Kid decided to help out.

I ducked as a punch whizzed over my head. I activated my haki and punched his forearm, making his own fist smack back into his jaw. He slammed into the bar and slumped into the ground, making me knock my head back with laughter.


Luffy grinned as he watched Misaki dance around the man with ease. She never ceases to surprise me. Luffy wasn't sure when she got this good, but something about it made his heart race with pride. She then made his jaw drop as she turned his own power against him, knocking him flat.

"SOO COOOOOOOLLLL!" He exclaimed, throwing his fists in the air.

"Are you guys about done? Keep it up and I'll have to ask you to leave." The bartender grunted.

"Sorry, sorry!" She said sweetly. It reminded Zoro of how Luffy said it, making him chuckle and shake his head. "Can I make it up to you by buying a couple drinks for my friends?"

The bartender rolled his eyes and gestured towards the bar stools that were still standing. Misaki grinned and waved Zoro and Luffy over. She turned to the bartender and ordered some drinks.

"Where the Hell did you learn to do that?" Zoro asked as they approached, his eyebrows raised.

"A girl can have her secrets." She joked.

"That was awesome, M'!" Luffy said, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.

She blushed and handed off the drinks. They all toasted and laughed. After they downed their drinks, Luffy grabbed Misaki around the shoulders and gave her a kiss on top of the head. He didn't mind protecting Misaki. Nor did he mind standing up for her, though she could normally do that herself. But he was so proud of her, and he knew she should be proud of herself.

"Man, that was a rush." Luffy said.

"Hell yeah!" Misaki and Zoro said in unison, ordering another round.

Luffy x isakai GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora