OUAS- The Egg Hunt Part 1

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Mickey was setting up an egg hunt in the studio. He had a set color for each team, those being pink, blue, green, white and yellow. He had the help of Minnie, Donald, Daisy and Goofy for it as he set up 30 eggs for each team.

After it was all set up they just needed 5 teams they wanted to have 3 on each. Mickey and Donald set out to go get their players for the hunt. First Mickey went up to Mulan and Shang “Hey Mulan and Shang” Mickey said. “Oh yes Mickey” Mulan said. “My and the gang have set up an egg hunt for Easter and were wondering if you would want to join,” Mickey said.

“Yeah we would love to join” Mulan said for the both. “Great head to the front of the building” Mickey said and they did. Then Mickey went out to get more players. He also got Aladdin and Jasmine to join and looked for more people.

‘Oh wow an egg hunt’ Camilo thought as he started to walk away from Mickey and Donald. He didn’t want to do the egg hunt since he would have an unfair advantage thanks to his telepathy and x-ray vision. He was able to dodge them for a while until he accidentally encountered Aladdin who was sent back inside to get some baskets.

“Oh hey Camilo” Aladdin said as he tapped his shoulder “We’re doing an egg hunt and I think you’d do well in it wanna join?” Aladdin asked as Camilo looked back at him. ‘“ And that’s how I ended up in the same egg hunt I was trying to dodge’”

Soon Mickey and Donald were able to gather all the players that were needed and formed the teams. Mulan, Jasmine and Bruno were on team Pink. Ursula, Jafar and The Genie were on team Blue. Hercules, Peter Pan and Ariel were on team Green. Elsa, Anna and Rapunzel were on team White. And Finally Shang, Aladdin and Camilo were on team Yellow.

“Alright everyone you have a picture of what your eggs look like so there is no confusion” Mickey announced and each team looked at the paper. “As you can see there are 10 eggs per team and they're all in the same location so grab the egg corresponding to your team's color, and there is only one per room,” Mickey said and everyone nodded. “Now the team that wins the egg hunt will win the golden egg that we have here with the best reward in it” Mickey announced and everyone looked at the egg. Others wondered what was in it but Camilo knew it was a. ‘“You don’t get to know until the end.’”

“Now you can’t tell other teams where the egg locations are alright” Mickey said and everyone nodded. “And begin,” Mickey said and the teams took off into the building to look. Team Yellow went to the front lounge room first through the directions of Shang. “Alright everyone, we are going to go from front to back and search thoroughly and quickly,” Shang said. “Hey, you're taking this a little too seriously,” Aladdin replied. “It’s just a egg hunt”

“Don’t you want to know what's in the golden egg?” Shang said. “Well yeah but I don’t want to ruin the fun of the hunt either” Aladdin replied leaving only Camilo to actually look for the egg. ‘Good grief’ Camilo thought as he found the egg within 10 seconds thanks to his x-ray vision. “I found the egg, '' Camilo said, making Shang and Aladdin stop arguing. “Good job Camilo now we're moving onto the next room” Shang said as they went to the next room.

This time Shang and Aladdin also looked and Shang found the egg first. “I found it team’ Shang said. “Hey, that's great,” Aladdin said. ‘How close are the other teams’ Camilo thought as he focused on his telepathy. He found out that team White and Blue were behind them and they were tied with team Green but team Pink was ahead of them by one egg.

‘Honestly I don’t care if we win or lose’ Camilo thought as they walked into the next room and they all easily saw the egg in a corner. “THERE IT IS” Shang said as he jumped over to it causing his cape to fly off of him. “Shang that’s too extra” Aladdin said. ‘Agreed’ Camilo thought.

‘Well now we’re tied with team Pink’ Camilo thought as they went along to the next room. Camilo began looking while Aladdin asked to speak to Shang. “Look Shang I know you want to see the golden egg but you're going overboard” Aladdin said. Camilo was having a hard time finding the egg since there was a lot of stuff in the room so he used clairvoyance. “I’m just trying to win Aladdin,” Shang said. “Well you don’t have to take the fun out of it either” Aladdin said.

Aladdin pointed at Camilo “We even have a kid with us don't ruin it for him” Aladdin said. 'Don't drag me into this' Camilo thought.

(Now I wanted to make this all one chapter but im having some difficulties on my end so I'll post the next part ASAP)

The Disastrous Life Of Camilo M: Across Media Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora