a totally normal day

Start from the beginning

This is going to be along night, but oh well what can you do?

*the next morning*

"Are you ready can you repeat everything?" Tubbo asks
"Yes. Hello my name is Thomas Innes-Beloved, I'm 18 years old and I have a PhD in computer science" Tommy says
"Perfect! your so gonna get this position!" "Woah calm down Tubbo let Tommy breathe" ah yes, Ranboo the only voice of reasoning in this household.

Tommy turns to look at the clock " Okay guys I gotta go now, wish me luck! " he says as he walks out of the door and closes it
He has 30 mins till his interview and it takes 20 mins to get to L'manburg by foot and 15 if he uses his powers, either way he'll be there on point but using his powers is way more fun... Okay powers it is.

Tommy starts to concentrate on the energy that is crackling around him and uses it to yeet him into the air and land on a rooftop. He does it again and again until he's there

Now that he stands in front of the building he feels so little in comparison...
Whatever. He walks inside and is greeted bye the sight of several hero's as well as normal people.

He goes to the front desk there sits a lady with chocolate coloured hair which reaches to her stomach, she also seems to be some kind of avian with raven looking wings,she wears red lipstick and purpled eye shadow. bold jet fitting. Her uniform was a mix out of black and dark purple, her name tag read 'Kristin'

" oh, hello?" He asks which seems to get her attention " Ah- hello, sorry are you here for the interview? " she asks. Tommy just nods " Alright, I'll need your name" "its Thomas Innes-Beloved" she typed it into her computer " Ah! Yes, so I'll give you this badge, its temporary and it will give you access to the 40th floor. Then you will go down the hall to the left and at the end there is a lobby where you will need to wait until your name is called. Okay?" Kristin explained. "Yes! Than you have a good day" "good luck Thomas"

And with that he made his way to the elevator 'holy shit those are a lot of floors' surprised he pressed the one with the  label 40 and waited. The music didn't help his rising anxiety but before he could spiral into a panic attack the doors opened. He stepped outside and went left, the hallway had so many doors, mostly offices. And just like Kristin said there was the lobby with a lot of people waiting and some hero's talking. Not wanting to disturb anyone Tommy simply made his way to the free spot in the corner, he sat down ant waited. After a few minutes somebody sat down in front of him.

They had fluffy blond hair like him but it was a few shades lighter and longer in the back and front, they also has ocean blue eyes on of them having a black sclera. They were wearing a sky blue jacket which was currently hanging off on one of their shoulders, wearing a black T-shirt under it. They were also wearing black trousers with a lot of pocket's and a belt with knifes strapped on. And black combat boots with a happy and a sad smiley stitched on either of them. They also seemed to be a mix out of a wind dragon and a wind demon hybrid, their horns were medium sized and faded from diamond blue at the base to a sky blue. Same with their ears and tail, the tail seemed to be a normal dragon tail with a fluffy end  and a cloud on the base of the tail. Now that Tommy looks closer they also have fingerless gloves and their fingers faded from diamond blue to their skin colour.

"Hello?" Tommy asks "Hello! I'm Trap one of the hero's here. Whats your name?" They- wait no Trap cheerfully answers. " Well I'm Thomas but I prefer Tommy. I'm here because of the internship but you probably already know that. What's got you talking to me out of all people? " " Well you seemed the most interesting, the others here look kind of boring... Plus! My friends said I should talk to more people" ...

They continued talking until Tommy's name was called, Trap wishing him good luck he made his way to where the interview was supposed to be. Entering he saw one of the top 10 hero's. They had long, silky looking, bubblegum pink hair tied back into a high pony tail. On their head was also a gold crown with red Rhine stones  decorating it, their eyes were crimson red, face hidden behind a boar skull mask. Their outfit was a white dress shirt, a leather corset with golden patterns stitched into it and black trousers with a lot of pocket's and a belt with more pocket's. They were also wearing black combat boots. On the seat they were sitting on was a red cape draped over it. Their Piglin traits are pink, one of the ears having a emerald piercing dangling around at every move and the other has a gold chain which connects their normal ear which the piglin one. It was Ares...

" Are you Thomas? " he asks "Yes..." "Please have a seat-" Tommy does as said "- so tell me about yourself." " Hello my name is Thomas Innes-Beloved, but I prefer Tommy-" true" - im 18 years old-" lie "-and I live with my best friend and my older brother-" half true, half lie"- I'm very smart and finished school at the age 16-" true " and through that I managed to get my PhD in Computer science " lie " Okay Tommy, why do you want this job?" "Well I always wanted to help the hero's but because I don't have a really useful power I opted for the next best option, helping the hero's keep a good look in the media" Tommy says "huh interestin', what's your opinion on vigilante's?"......

'Wait what!?' " uhm, well it depends on who your asking, like if you'd ask hero's or villains they show their dislike to them constantly on the internet. But if you'd ask someone who lives in the same area as I do they would say how much their thankful for at least a bit of safety. In areas like Logstedshire or irlCraft the vigilante's is all they can count on, well except one hero that occasionally  patrols there, Storm I think. There is no other safety." Ares seemed stunned by that statement ..... Meh

"Ah... Well thanks for comin' and we will contact you once were finished here, safe travels" Ares says "Thank you for having me, have a good day"

Tommy stood up and left the office and made his way to the elevator. Once he was in the Lobby he wished Kristin fair well and made his way home.

*at the apartment*

"IM HOME!" Tommy announces as he waltzes through the door "Hi Tommy how did the interview go?" Tommy yelps as he suddenly heard Ranboo behind him "omg Ranboo! You scared the shit out of me!" "Oh I'm so sorry!" They apologize quickly "hah.. Its fine the interview went well, but can you believe who interviewed me!" "Who?" " The Ares!-" they piped up at that "- oh and I met another hero, his name is Trap but he looked a little too young to be a hero for my liking..... He looked younger than me.." " oh Tommy even if he is, we sadly can't do anything about it..." They looked sad before brightening " well why not  watch movies until Tubbo comes back, and then you can tell him about it." " Yeah sure"

They watched Disney movies until Tubbo came back, Tommy told him everything. Then Tubbo's computer pinged. It was the E-mail from the hero institution ' Well that was fast' "C'mon Tubbo open it" he says "Alright, alright calm down I'm on it" as Tubbo read he seemed to get more and more happy and excided  " aaaand??" "Well Tommy you...... Got the job!" "Wait really??" Suddenly he got dragged into a big hug " Were so proud of you!" Ranboo's voice was soft and calming making Tommy want to melt into the hug.....

"Well would you look at the time! You have work tomorrow Tommy so no vigilante activities today, you have to be there at 8 okay?" Tubbo' voice broke through "okay, mom" Tommy says, Ranboo starts to giggle and Tubbo makes an offended noise " well goodnight you two, sleep well" "night tommy" "night bossman"

With that he makes his way i into his room, changes and goes to bed. Preparing himself for tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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