016 The Sheriff

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𝔼𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕕𝕖 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕗𝕗

Before the following school day I went over to Anthony's house before classes started to talk to him. "What's up love"? He asks as he plops on his bed. "Ant, I've been thinking. And I mean seriously thinking". "Yeah?" he says looking at me a little confused. "I feel like you're just really immature. Like the way you act with Spider is one thing to look over but last night? That was insanity!" "What are you saying"? "That you need to grow up. I love you Anthony. Like when I think of you I can't help but to smile. When I see you across the room I can't help but to stare because I'm happy you're mine and I'm yours. But my love for you has blinded me to some things and I don't like that". "So are you like, breaking up with me?" "Well, no. You don't want to, right?" "Of course not" he assures me. "Then no, I just wished you'd grow up. Even just a little bit". "Yes Ella, I'd do just about anything for you". "Just about?" I ask raising an eyebrow, "What are the limitations?" "I don't know, let's hope we don't find out".

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"I mean, it makes sense. Jojo's a clit banger, she's always asking Amerie to stay back after class". Spider tells the group. "Yeah, to tidy up. Not to get some trim. The whole thing's bullshit" Darren corrects. "Yeah, that's like her punishment I thought. To help with SLT's set up" I chimed in. "Why do you think the person who made the accusation wants to stay anonymous? Sasha asks. "Yeah well, if someone's made this up, it's a messed up thing to do." Missy adds while looking back at Harper who was a little ways away. "Yeah, but why would someone even do that" Ant asks. "Yeah, nice one Harps. You've really outdone yourself this time" Spider says to Harper. "Leave it, man, at least SLTs is cancelled" Dusty says to Spider.

Amerie then walks by with her mom looking so shocked and like she wants to say something, but her mom guides her away. Jojo, then comes through another part of the school with an officer behind her.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Jojo doesn't deserve this" Amerie says while stuffing her face with fries as if they're going to leave her. "Neither do you" Darren says, "I did not think that Harper would go this far". "Yeah she's lower that a snacks asshole". Amerie adds. "What if it wasn't Harper?" Camila questions. "What do you mean" I ask her. "I mean, why would she? What would and/or did she gain from it" "I don't know and I don't care" Amerie says to her. "No one at school believes it right?" "No, of course not" Darren says as Quinni looks up suspiciously. "I'd rather hear it from one of you than some dickhead int he quad tomorrow." "It's just the usual gossip course" Mila tells her. "Yeah, I mean half the stuff they're saying is out there, it's practically fantasy" Darren adds. "Just tell me" They hesitated at first but still told Amerie. "You scissored in the science lab, used a glue stick as a strap-on and your safe word is cat-flap." "Yeah not a lot of anything all good" I say with an awkward smile.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"I can't believe they used to be friends". I hear walking towards Anthony. "Who?" I asked. "Don't say anything" Dusty says. "Amerie just confronted Harper" Ant fills me in.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Miss Obah will not be taking the sexual literacy tutorial any longer. There is a new sheriff in town". Woodsly says as the class begins to look around for the "new sheriff". "It's me, I'm the sheriff" she says. "Seven weeks ago you were put into this class" she says as she begins walking down the class, "can anyone tell me why?" "The incest map" Sasha answers. "Boom. And yet the tradition of documenting sexual exploits continued right under Miss Obah's nose. This indicates to me that you have learned very little... it's time to get serious". She then turns on the projector to a close up of a yeast infection. Earning gagging and gasps from the class. "It is caused by unprotected sex and poor personal hygiene" I think I can speak for everyone when I say I think we're scarred for life by Woodsly's class.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"We have to convince her to stay. She's only put in her resignation because of us, so we've got to show her what she means to us". Amerie wines at me. "Ams, you don't even have to continue. I'll make sure Ant and Dusty are there". I walk off and go to find them. "Oi, and get Ant to get food, nothing bad" she yells at me as I walk off.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• ... •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"This is a protest. SLTs have officially taken over the admin building over the resignation of Miss Obah. She's been unfairly targeted by administration and the school at large over recent defamatory allegations. Which was batshit by the way, we did not have sex. We demand that Miss Woods rejects her resignation and reinstates Miss Obah to her former position as English teacher and SLTs class teacher. We will not be leaving the premises until she is officially reinstated." Amerie announced on the speaker.

Students and parents gathered outside the building but no one was budging. We wanted Jojo back. We weren't going to stop until she was.

"Chips and candy, Ant, really? What part of no dumb food do you not understand?" I say to him. Then Missy comes in complaining about him only getting juice. And THEN Dusty comes in saying there's no restroom or water fountain. "So we basically have no fuel and just processed sugar, great" I say and slap the back of Anthony's head.

Amerie's mom gets on a megaphone and tells her to come out but she wouldn't budge. "Your mom's scarier than mine" Ant laughs. "Anthony!" Mrs. Vaughn yells. His face turns white as his jaw drops and he freezes. "Anthony! So help me God, if I have to come in there, I will drag you out myself." He starts to walk out and Spider stops him. "We don't see Jojo anywhere. So all of you're gonna have to piss off." Ams says on the speaker. In other words, there's a long, long night ahead of us.

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